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Automakers Sue Over California Emission Rules

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by xxlisted_miaxx, Dec 7, 2004.

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    xxlisted_miaxx Guest

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    Montana Guest

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    I saw that and I support the emissions legislation. A GM 4 cyl has the same emissions and gas mileage as a more powerful Honda V6. Thats pretty bad.

    Automakers have come a long way and they can pull this off.

    The whole H2 thing just irritates me. 8 mpg, and is anybody going to take it off road? Hell no. Most people use an H2 when they really could be using a wagon instead. If they HAD to have a SUV, they could at least get a Pilot or Highlander which use A LOT less fuel/pollute less.
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    JspeXAE102 Well-Known Member

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    群馬 日本
    california already has the toughest emission laws in the country, there is no reason why they should be anymore tougher.. It's BS
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    Well, it all depends on your stance on enviromental policies.

    California may have the toughest emission laws in the country, but we're also one of the most polluted states in the country, and we are no where near Europe's standards. In a battle between cleaner air and allowing people to spew emissions and smog into the enviroment just because they didn't want a more enviromentally friendly car, I think clean air would win.

    What Montana says is right, we're in an age where we can actually do something about making cars more efficient and less damaging towards the enviroment.

    I love cars, but Enviromental Studies class hit me. We aren't going to have gas forever guys, we'll run well out within our lifetimes, if everyone had an H2, we'd be screwed.


    The clock is ticking for the oil reserves. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, where did it all go?
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    blancokracker Guest

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    I agree with instating stricter policies, even if it could consequently raise sticker prices. But they have a good point, on how several states follow CARB stuff, and that its the federal government's job not CARB's.
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    burbod01 New Member

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    they should concentrate on making cars easier to crash
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    rezurex Guest

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    it sucks too, when we run out of our supply of fossil fuels, the so called "alternative fuels" don't produce nearly as much power as gasoline... bmw made a v12 version of the 745li that ran on hydrogen and it made barely 150hp or so. quite lame.
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    XS PSI New Member

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    The laws that the automobile companies are trying to stop are not laws for small cars that we currently drive, they are for the larger cars (full size cars) and trucks which include them damn gas guzzling SUV's. I think these laws should be passed because the US have gone way to far on with there huge behemouths they call vehicles these days.
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    renfield90 New Member

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    First of all, I hope this leads to an eventual dismantling of CARB.

    There's many other ways we can eliminate pollution. For example, an average lawnmower puts out more pollution in a single mowing of the lawn than my car does on a 100 mile highway trip. Think about how many lawns are in your neighborhood, and imagine what would happen if we cut down on this.

    And seriously, why do cops get in a frizzle when someone's axle back exhaust system doesn't have its CARB certificate, when everyone knows that 95% of emissions reduction occurs at the cat, and while five H2s roll by in the time it takes to write a ticket? If you really want to limit pollution from big cars, do what Europe does: they have decent emissions standards, but they tax your car purchases based on engine size. That's why SUVs don't sell there, cause 5L engines get really heavy taxes.

    I did a research study that suggested we would peak at 2005, and by 2020 there'd be very little oil left. It's a limited resource, and discoveries have been steadily declining. Why do you think gas prices go up, but fail to come back down? Part of it is that there's less oil on the market.

    I hate SUVs that are not bought for their primary use: sport utility. I'm not saying we should ban them outright (not necessarily a bad idea though) but we should really try to get the public to limit their purchasing. The automakers, of course, could help with this, but their making a fortune off the SUV craze.
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    blancokracker Guest

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    They said the oil would be gone soon, many times. They should crack down on boats the most lol.
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    Paolino SolidTuned

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    I agree. I don't think that they shoud let up on the restrictions. Whoever said America is SUV crazy hit the nail RIGHT on the head. Yes lawnmowers can create pollution too, but that really is a moot arguement. think how many miles america drives in a week. Most people mow their lawns weekly, IF that. And most american families own more than one car. If horsepower (which I do enjoy myself) has to be sacrificed for the next energy source, well then so be it. I would rather have less picjup in my car, than more "crap" in my air...
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    i think its already to late for this... the world have already been polluted bad enough.. winter isnt winter anymore its more like late summer in someplaces.. i agree taht car should become more efficent but it should all start with standardized insepctions of the cars.. not all states have that.. emmisons testing should be a 50 state thing
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    e_andree E

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    Then contact your congressmen..cuz youre state is one of em!
    I hate having to take my cars to get the emissions tested......especially on a 2002 car...but hey......its all for the better good, and the wait isnt all that long anymore. Theyre pretty quick about it now.
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    alby13 New Member

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    what do you mean 95% occurs at the cat? what does a piece of pipe and a muffler do to reduce emissions? nothing that i know of...
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    renfield90 New Member

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    some mufflers can reduce emissions...ever so slightly.

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