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body kit problem...need help?

Discussion in 'Exterior' started by flipstylez06, Nov 29, 2004.

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    flipstylez06 New Member

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    body kit problem...need help?

    recently got a vuteq body kit installed on my 04 corolla. The problem is that when they installed the kit they molded the rear lip on the back bumper with bondo. It sounded like it was a good idea at the time, but now the paint is starting to crack across the line where it was installed. Unfortunately the bondo was not that thick. I was wondering if the back bumper is still manageable and can be fixed with a new rear lip. Need your Advice and help.??
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    corollinout New Member

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    why cant you fill with filler then go over with 2 layers of fiberglass, thats what i did, and i bottomed my kit out twice since i did it, and not one little crack in it,
    shit the first time i did it was in a big ass pothole in a parking lot, and that was only bondo at the time, the weather turned moist and the fiberglass wouldnt have dried, it left a 1cm crack in the top and you couldnt see it unless it was pointed out, and the second time was 2 days ago on a speed bump

    but i agree dont use only bondo, my fenders are fiberglassed on the inside for stablitly and bondoed on the outside to make it less humped
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    Phozenstone New Member

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    i dont think you need a new rear lip, bondo is fixeable, but i dont think they should be using only bondo alone to mold the two peices together, that will be too flimsy, make sure they do a better job next time.
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    Addicted2Boost Guest

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    did they use the vuteq supplied mounting pieces or bondo alone? the vuteq lips come with and are mounted with screws, spacers, and doublesided tape. That alone is more than strong enough to prevent any movement.

    In any case, you should be able to sand down both the lip and the bumper and repaint. Use the mounting accessories (screws/spacers) and double sided tape on the seem first and then bondo on top of that if you like - it shouldnt be necessary.
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    vortex Well-Known Member

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    Westminster, CO
    bond = ghey when used in heavy amounts...

    simple rule here guys ...

    with bodywork - you build with fiberglass and smooth with lightweight filler (bondo) don't EVER EVER build or mold with filler - you'll ALWAYS be sorry.
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    flipstylez06 New Member

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    so is there any way to salvage my back bumper?
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    Addicted2Boost Guest

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    you can save them by sanding them down to oem spec

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