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Engine Starter Price drop...lol

Discussion in 'Powertrain' started by Rolla95, Nov 10, 2004.

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    Rolla95 Rollin' Out y0

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    Deptford, New Jersey
    yea i had to replace my starter in my 95 rolla dx auto and it was a bitch to get too...i also got my labor for free and got a starter for a bout $50 new...my nieghbor is a mechanic...i been working on and driving cars since i was about 10 years old...you name and i drove it...
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    dragonitti Guest

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    Starter Price drop...lol

    Man, my starter was already bad. I would have to pump my clutch like 5 or 6 times to get it to crank. It would click and click until finally cranking up. Sometimes when other people would be standing around, especially people in the import scene, I would pray that it would crank up on the first try so I wouldn't be embarassed. She pulled through, and didn't embarass me infornt of my peers.

    Anyway, I called the Toyota Dealership(don't ask why) to see how much parts and labor would be for a starter on a 95 Rolla DX 1.8L. it was nearly $436 just for a damn starter. So, I called some local shops, and one guy(no offense, but he was major redneckish) quoted me roughly $150. So, I called my mom to see if she would loan me the $150 till I got paid. She said, wait a minute, Jerry(my mom's boyfriend) can probably put it in. See, I didn't know he was a mechanic. He works for Nissan too. He said that he could put it in. So, I went over yesterday to find him primering and getting ready to paint the hood of a friends car. He has his own painting supplies in his garage. So, we went at getting my starter removed(which was a bitch). After that we went to pick one up. Total came to $98 dollars, and we got back and installed and cracked it up. So, my installation was free all in all.

    So, what did I get out of this besides a free installation....

    Someone who can teach me all about auto painting, auto body and engines.
    a place to come and get my bodykit(when I get it in a few weeks) painted for free
    since he has two motorcycles, I'm going to learn to ride on one of them.
    more importatly.....TOOLS!!
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    good deal man use up ur resources
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    triune530 Guest

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    When I replaced my starter, I jacked up the front passenger side & I thought it's going to be hard but it wasn't that bad after all. "No offense to some" but whenever working on your car refrain from cussing & mumbling. It doesnot help a bit. Patience pays.
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    Miguel Guest

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    $400 i got robbed
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    Nexibat Guest

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    Thank god i work at a dealership hehe
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    CorollaULEV Guest

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    This is what my dad says also. I don't believe him b/c it sure makes me feel a lot better. ;)


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