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Thank you Falken!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by CadetLee, Oct 18, 2004.

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    CadetLee Guest

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    Thank you Falken!

    This may be hard to describe without a picture, but I'll give it a shot..it happened so fast that my memory is a bit fuzzy, but anyways:

    I was heading south on a two lane road; there was a silver '04 Civic in front of me. We had just crossed an intersection -- there is a wide paved driveway (drivers' license office, actually) on my right. The Civic is just abreast of the driveway, and an oncoming F150 pulls around someone and makes a left turn into the parking lot. More precisely, made a left turn into the Civic.

    Fortunately, I was awake at the time..I see the truck run into the Civic (in my lane, immediately in front of me)..we weren't going too fast, but I didn't have much room to stop. I slammed on my brakes..they locked (no ABS), so I let them unlock. At this point, the truck is pretty much in front of my left quarter..I pulled a hard right/left (right to avoid the truck, left to avoid the Civic, who I *think* had been pushed/driven off to the side somewhere..that's the part I'm not clear on). There was a chunk of something in the road, and I somehow missed the truck, straddled the object in the road (which happened to be the drivers' side mirror of the Civic), and straightened out - without hitting grass, signs, or any other objects.

    Fortunately, this happened at a wide driveway/parking lot entrance; otherwise, I probably would've went into grass or hit signs..I went back and looked at my skid marks the next day, and my right tire mark is at/around the white line on the right side of the road -- apparently I pulled to the right, away from the truck, locked my brakes, then let off and jumped sideways. I wish I could see a replay, since I'm not sure where the Civic was at the time, and I would like to have known how far the truck was in my lane -- since I was on the line before I swerved, he must've been pretty far over..

    So..in short, I'm never buying cheap tires -- my car sidesteps quite nicely now. =)
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    HispinyolaInTheCorolla Guest

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    Makes me wanna get rid of my yoko avids, Although I think these tires a rated pretty good.
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    CivicEater Guest

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    hooray for reflexes!
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    sxlostv1 New Member

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    Los Angeles
    what kind of falkens are you running?
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    Corolla DX-R AE100

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    holy sh!t nice save... nice tires definitely help i got the BFG Traction T/As it suck at highway speed for some reason the tire vibrate a little but definitely crazy grip rated at "AA"... i got into one incident when a cement truck stop on the right lane which i didn't know and traffic was starting back up on my lane i pulled to the right lane thinkin it was faster the stupid truck was rite ahead i pump my brakes and stop in a straight line no problem but the civic behind me stomp on his brakes and u could hear is tire struggling to grip and almost hit me...
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    blancokracker Guest

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    aye but don't forget if they are summer tires you won't have that kind of grip at 50 degrees.....
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    JspeXAE102 Well-Known Member

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    群馬 日本
    Falken Tires 0wns
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    CadetLee Guest

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    I have Falken Ziex 512s (185/60/14)

    http://www.edgeracing.com/tire/752/ -- it says they have decent snow/ice traction, so they should be alright for a Florida winter. ;)
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    Lekz Guest

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    it was YOU not the tires. The tires helped tho.

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