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Sub help...

Discussion in 'Interior' started by ithaca00yahoo.com, Oct 14, 2004.

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    ithaca00yahoo.com Guest

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    Sub help...

    Hello all! I've got a bit of a problem that I'm hoping someone can help me figure out...

    Lately, my sub has been cutting out on me when I'm driving. It first did it a while back where it was playing louder than normal for a day then stopped working. I found a loose connection and that seened to fix it, until I drove the car again. It just stopped working again but I left it hooked up and it hadn't worked for a week or so. On Tuesday I was driving home and it came on all of a sudden. It lasted for a couple of hours, including times where I turned the car off. However, it started playing a little louder than normal (without me changing any settings) and stopped playing within a couple of minutes.

    So now, i'm left with it not working. Again.

    Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas as to what may be wrong and/or how to fix it?

    Thanks for any help. I'm really getting frustrated by this. :(

    JBL BP1200.1
    MTX T8104
    Sony HU (old)
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    Killercocopuff New Member

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    i'd check the wiring harness. maybe have to re soder some lines
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    ithaca00yahoo.com Guest

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    Killer - I'm not sure what problem would be present from the wiring harness. The amp gets constant power, even when the sub isn't playing, and the RCAs are connected securely to both the HU and the amp.

    I was thinking the problem was the sub but I've tried two different subs and got the same problem with both. :confused:
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    mmartin1872 Guest

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    i'd guess ground wire... if it doesn't have a clean piece of metal to ground to, it could do this... i stopped by a buddies house and his system that he installed wasnt working properly... he'd get power and it would shut off.. i checked all his wires, and looked at the ground wire... he had wrapped the wire around a piece of painted metal.. he hadn't even stripped the paint off where the wire was grounding..
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    statik New Member

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    Ok, so that right there leads me to believe it isn't the sub(s).
    1.The headunit is the problem.
    2.The amp is the problem. Check all the connections on the amp. Try a different amp...

    if the amp is getting constant power it shouldn't be the power wires...

    Check your grounds too. Make sure they are on bare metal, nice and tight.

    If that doesn't work, see if you can test your system on another head unit.

    good luck
    let us know how you make out.

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    vortex Well-Known Member

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    Westminster, CO
    usually the ground wire... :)
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    RawkinDa4Door Guest

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    check your connection to the battery is that all your running. when i had my subs and my speaker amps going the battery couldnt takes it and amp would cut in and out.
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    SSJ_Rolla Guest

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    I was having the same prob with my amp, turns out it was the ground wire this was 1hr ago and its alright again
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    ithaca00yahoo.com Guest

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    Thanks for all the help you guys. I've got a friend that has an extra HU, I think, and I'll give that a try.

    I don't think that it's my ground because the amp wil still be on when the sub doesn't work so the circuits for that are good.
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    shortys408 Guest

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    dont forget to check ure speaker wire. this exact thing used to happen to me, when i had a ghetto install job, it was the ground that kept comin loose and hte remote kept falling out.
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    statik New Member

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    Ok, cool.. yeah check your speaker wire too, like the other guy said.

    You don't think it's your ground? Did you actually check it? :)

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    HispinyolaInTheCorolla Guest

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    Mine does the same but for diffrent reasons,
    I believe mine is cutting out because it was getting hot in the trunk in summer during the drive home.
    The amp is mounted on the trunk board and held down with velcro.
    It's a 5ch 880 watt amp running mono to 2 bazookas.
    the inside speakers run off the deck.
    What do you suggest?
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    ithaca00yahoo.com Guest

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    Yeah, I checked the ground. I'm using the bolt for the center seatbelt in the rear and I sanded that area down to get to the bare metal.

    I've replaced the speaker wire from the amp to the box so I guess I'll change out the wiring that's inside the box.

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