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clutch pedal switch, + or -?

Discussion in 'Interior' started by statik, Oct 11, 2004.

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    statik New Member

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    clutch pedal switch, + or -?

    Anyone know if the clutch pedal switch is a + or - current when the clutch pedal is pressed? Not the cruise control part, but the ignition part.... I'm installing a remote start/keyless entry and need send a signal to the switch to bypass the clutch for remote start.

    WOO HOO! I don't have to get up and go out in -30 deg. to start my car in the morning!

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    CraigW New Member

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    I would use a relay then you have no worries ( ECU, + or - trigger, etc..) CW
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    xnevergiveinx New Member

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    north royalton, oh
    just hook up a multimeter to it. first test to see if it is a ground by hooking the red lead to a 12+ positive, if thats not it, it's probably 12+

    yeah, do a relay, it's safer and provides a better current.
    with a stick shift, just be sure you also hook up the wire for the hand brake, not just the regular brake, but the hand brake. you don't want your car starting up and then rolling forward and stalling. then it will try to start again, roll and stall...scary!
    good luck
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    statik New Member

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    got it!

    Thanks everyone... I got it hooked up. It was a positive... The relay is the way to go. My remote start unit does a ground when running, so I reversed the polarity with the relay.. Yeh, this RS unit I got is specially made for manuals. You have to hit the start button while the engine is running e-braked, and in neutral. Then pull the key out get out of the car and when you shut your doors it turns the engine off. Then you have to lock the doors. It wount remote start without doing that...
    I think its pretty safe, even worth the extra trouble. but next time might just get an auto RS unit and make a neutral safety switch in conjunction with the e-brake....

    looking forward to a WARM car in the mornings!

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    xnevergiveinx New Member

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    north royalton, oh
    wow, thats a really secure remote start, where did you get it from?
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    statik New Member

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    mypushcart.com's ebay store...
    it is a Scytek Galaxy 2000RS-M 2W. 2 way LCD remote.
    the range is awesome! works great!


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