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sub + amp to a stock radio?

Discussion in 'Interior' started by windawg, Oct 2, 2004.

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    windawg Guest

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    sub + amp to a stock radio?

    Is there anyway to hook up a sub and amp to an stock radio of a Corolla Type S 05??
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    Reformed2hacker Guest

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    doesn't the head unit got to have a sub pre-out? stocks usually don't have that kinda stuff
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    RawkinDa4Door Guest

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    there is a ghetto way i used to do before i got my aftermarket head unit. go to like bestbuy or whatever and they have a frequency lower box( sorry i dont know all the technical stuff) type thing. you plice the wires into the signal in from your rear speakers and then there are rca outs on the box sorry so vague (sp?) but it does work
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    shortys408 Guest

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    you just buy from radioshack for around 10$ a speaker wire to rca adapter. i think you use hte cd changer wire as your turn on wire.
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    statik New Member

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    Yeah, pretty much what everyone else said... Splice into your rear speaker outputs... Usually an aftermarked head unit will have RCA outs on the back which are on the same channel as your rear speakers, or even better is a head unit that has RCA outs with a channel just for the SUB. So anyway, you would splice the rear outputs and input them into the high power inputs on your amp...

    If you don't have a low pass filter on your amp you'll have to get one to go inline before your amp. The low pass filter just blocks out the highs and mids and allows the bass or lows to pass through to the sub. About using the CDchanger out to turn on your amp, that sounds like it might work. Never tryed it though. It makes sense, it's just using it as a "remote" signal..

    But, personally, if I were you I would just save up and get a decent head unit. Because you are going to take the time, energy and money to possibly take apart your console, route wires, etc. And stock headunits really don't sound that great compared to other aftermarket units.

    If you get a head unit make sure it has a separate RCA output for your subwoofer. It really sucks if you turn down your rears and the sub goes down with it. It's called "non-fader sub outputs".

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    PsyVash Guest

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    one more tip...dont' refer to your car as a "Type S". Plenty of people would jump on you about that. It's simply a "Corolla S".
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    windawg Guest

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