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*Very Smart Girl

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by gain guide, Mar 31, 2005.

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    gain guide New Member

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    Inland Empire---So. Cal.
    *Very Smart Girl

    (CBS/AP) Five-year-old Tia Hernlen was awakened by gunshots early Monday morning. All alone in her Florida home, she discovered her dying parents.

    Here is the text of the 911 call.

    Tia: I think they're dead.
    Operator: What do you mean, sweetheart?
    Tia: I don't know.
    Operator: OK, your daddy's on the floor. How old are you?
    Tia: I'm 5 years old and I have a dog in a house.
    Operator: OK, baby, OK. Let me get someone right over to you. Did you, did you go in your mommy and daddy's room?
    Tia: Uh-huh, and there is blood.
    Operator: All over the place?
    Tia: Not all over. There's blood on the plant and blood on the floor.

    A Volusia County man who wrongly believed a couple had reported him for growing marijuana and possessing steroids broke into their house and fatally shot the two before killing himself, police said.

    The second victim, 29-year-old Aeneas Hernlen, died at a Daytona Beach hospital on Tuesday. His wife, Julie Hernlen, 31, was killed Monday.

    Volusia County Sheriff Ben Johnson tells The Early Show he believes the girl is doing well, considering the situation. She was awakened by gunshots shortly before 3 a.m.

    "To the best of my knowledge, for a 5-year-old, she's doing pretty well," Sheriff Johnson" says. "We're worried about long-term effects on the little girl, naturally. At 5 years old, the meaning of death sometimes doesn't really sink in, but we are concerned for her future welfare."

    It was very impressive, he notes, how she handled the situation.

    "She was very composed for a 5-year-old," he notes. "The 911 tape was absolutely amazing. All of the information she was able to give. How she was able to handle herself, very smart little girl."

    The alleged killer, David Edward Johnson, 33, committed suicide at his home later that day, Volusia County sheriff's investigators said. No suicide note was found.

    Authorities said Johnson shot the Hernlens because he believed the couple had turned him into law enforcement in November.

    "We don't know what forced him to snap," Sheriff Ben Johnson says, "He had the feeling that the Hernlens turned him in for an indoor marijuana-grown operation, which was not true. Someone called in a burglary in progress at his home. He was putting the focus of his blame on the Hernlens and he'd made the threat in the past, and carried them out."

    In January, the Hernlens tried to get an injunction against Johnson, claiming he drove in front of their home and made threats.

    But the judge assigned the case denied the request, saying "no violence was alleged and it was hard to prove stalking with the allegations" presented, according to court papers.

    Sheriff Ben Johnson notes, "The restraining order was put in, but you run into a problem when someone is determined they'll do something like this. The only way to stop them is to keep them in jail. There's no way possible the judge could have kept him in jail. Very seldom do you find someone this determined to take this action. Don't know, in a case like this, how you would stop it. In any given day, we have 3,600 to 3,700 restraining orders in effect. You can't stay on top of somebody all of the time, when rarely somebody would take this kind of action."

    Circuit Judge Richard Graham said, "Looking back on it, I would have liked to have done it differently…But you review each case on a case-by-case basis."

    Tia is with family now, Sheriff Ben Johnson notes.

    Here is another excerpt from the 911 conversation, which went on for about three minutes:

    Operator: Oh, my goodness, and you have your little doggie with

    Child: And three cats.

    Operator: And three cats too?

    Child: Three cats and one dog.

    Operator: OK, are you the the only one there besides mommy and

    Child: Well, I said "Mommy" and "Daddy" and they didn't even

    Operator: OK, OK, what I want you to do, honey, I want you to
    stay on the phone with me. What is your name?

    Child: (tells operator her name)

    Operator: Oh, that is a very pretty name.

    Child: (blocked out)

    Operator: Oh, I'm so sorry, that is a beautiful name. What is
    your doggie's name?

    Child: Lizzah

    Operator: OK, and what made you wake up tonight?

    Child: There was, I think I heard a gunshot.

    Operator: You heard a gun?

    Child: Yes, and I see a bullet lying on the floor. I think it's
    a bullet.

    Operator: Really!

    Child: Mmm-hmm

    Operator: Who has a gun in the house?

    Child: I don't see a gun but I'm scared.

    Operator: Oh sweetheart! . . . I will not let anything happen to

    Child: Can you send a deputy down here?

    Operator: I promise I will . . . and you're only 5 years old?

    Child: Mmm-hmm

    Operator: You are so smart for 5 years old. Wow! . . . are you
    off from school this week?

    Child: Um, no, I go to school next year.

    Operator: You do? Oh my gosh, you're not even in kindergarten

    Child: Nope.

    Operator: Oh, what's your doggie's name?

    Child: Lizzah

    Operator: Lizzah, what kind of doggie is she?

    Child: She's a Lab.

    Operator: Oh my God, I love those. Those are so beautiful. Is
    she a black Lab or is she a yellow Lab?

    Child: A black Lab.

    Operator: Oh, you are so smart.

    Child: With, um, brown eyes.

    Operator: Oh my goodness, how old is she?

    Child: She is like 3 years old, or, 2 years old, I don't really

    Operator: Wow! You can remember for a really long time.

    Child: Yup.

    Operator: Oh my goodness. Was there anybody else in the house
    tonight besides you and mommy and daddy tonight? Like an uncle or

    Child: No, there's no robber in the house.

    Operator: OK, well, I didn't think there would be a robber,
    sweetheart. Did you have anybody staying over the night with you
    guys tonight?

    Child: Nnn- nnn

    Operator: OK. So and the doors are all locked? And everything
    like that . . . Where are you in the house?

    Child: Well, I was in my room sleeping till I heard a noise shot
    and it woke me up.

    Operator: Oh my goodness. Uh, what part of the house are you in
    at now?

    Child: I'm in the one, it's yellow, all yellow house, of green,
    green with it, a little bit of green, and a pink door.

    Operator: Oh my goodness, that sounds really cool. Did you pick
    out the pink door?

    Child: Um, no, my mom picked out the door.

    Operator: Look, I bet you that is beautiful. Does mommy and
    daddy have a car in the driveway?

    Child: Mmm-hmm, two cars.

    Operator: Two cars? What kind of cars do they have?

    Child: Umm, my mom has a Toyota

    Operator: What color is that Toyota?

    Child: Umm

    Operator: Is it dark, or grey, or silver?

    Child: It's um red.

    Operator: Red? OK, what kind of car does daddy have?

    Child: He has a Jeep. It's black and . . .

    Operator: OK, listen to me (name). Is your phone the type that
    you can take with you and walk around?

    Child: Um, this . . .

    Operator: There should be an officer at your front door. I need
    for you to take your phone with you and walk over to the door and open it for me, OK? And I will stay on the phone with you, OK?

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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    Littleton, CO.
    wow..... another one of those crazy scenarios.... I dk if u guys have heard of the one that the car was like strangling himself with his collar thingy and called 911 dood that shit was awesome lol
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    Rolla95 Rollin' Out y0

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    damn, thats crazy, she does seem pretty smart for a 5 year old
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    AE102 New Member

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    wow...that took me by surprise, how smart that 5 year old is.
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    man to be honest it doesn't surprise me.... haven't u noticed how the new generation is like extremely smart and shit like more than usual than older times if u kno wut I mean
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    that whole situation makes me sad...but i'm happy to see she was on top of things enough to call 911...
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    RexPelagi VDub

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    Canton, Ohio.
    Ya I feel bad for the girl this could mess her up later in life.

    On a side note, if this was a comic book, she would grow up to become a super strong super hero fighting crime but sadly its real.

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