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got in a 5 car fender bender on the freeway

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by RawkinDa4Door, Sep 19, 2004.

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    RawkinDa4Door Guest

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    got in a 5 car fender bender on the freeway

    yea so i was driven down 680 on my way to a wedding with my gf im in the second lane becuase im about to get off when i see hte car is front of me slow down and stop so i do to. next thing i know i get thrown forward then back then forward again then back. first thing i do is ask my gf if she is ok then the anger sets in. i look back and see a damn pt cruiser and a crying girl. we all pull over and we try to figure out what happen. so here it goes sorry if its hard to understand. early 90s accord stops, bmw 3 series stops and i stop behind them. girl in pt cruiser talking on her phone hits me in my back ane pushes the front of my car under the bmw who slips off and hits the accord in front of him. and just cuz were lucky girls friend in expedition tailgating her just for fun hits her who slams me again and i pop the beemer again.
    Out of all the cars i get the most damage my hood is sandwiched up my bumper is hanging down my headlight mouts are all broken so they are just hanging around and my back bumper has deep indentions. beemer has a scratches and broken tail light and PT broke her grill. cops fire and ambulance come ask me if i need a towtruck and i said no so they all help me tape my shit together
    they get my info and side off the story and say i can go. dont know if any one got hurt cuz i left so fast cuz i was pissed but my gf did see them bring a neck brace to the beemer driver. Will get pics as soon as i get the camera devopled
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    RollaRyder1103 New Member

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    Corona, CA
    damn bro, i'm sorry 2 hear that shit...that must suck bein the middle car and gettin the impact twice over...damn women r the worst when on cell phones and doing there makeup while driving...well now hopefully they'll learn after having to fix 3 other cars besides there own (which were prolly there parents cars)...good luck on the revival of the Rolla
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    copies98corolla Guest

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    i hope that fucking girl and her friend have to pay for everything
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    Silver_Nitrate New Member

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    Sorry to hear that man. Yeah I hope those girls pay for all of it.
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    Mike4831 C-Town Pimp

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    damn u got sandwitched in. hope every thing works out and i hope that girls insurance pays for it.
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    rollaracer4 Guest

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    ... sorry .. i feel bad for u
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    CaLiLaTiN Guest

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    Damn im glad you are ok. Yea she should pay for everything. I hope everything works out bro.
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    killer2239 Lift at 5700rpm

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    That sucks man. Hope you get your shit fixed soon.
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    JspeXAE102 Well-Known Member

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    群馬 日本
    damn sorry to hear.. i try my best to avoid those asshole with their big honkin cars and cellphones myself. but damn that acciedent was bullshit. I hope ur insurance dont have to pay the fucker in the beamer.
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    sorry to hear most important ur ok
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    RawkinDa4Door Guest

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    since we are both under 18 me and my gf we had to stop by a hospitol or an urgent care so we went today...i have a bruise on the side of my neck from the seatbelt and my gf has a seatbelt burn on her hip other then that they said we are ok if were not dizzy or nuasiated. my parents are taking care of all teh insurance issues. im not looking forward to school tomarow since as soon as people see my car i have to repeat the story over and over.
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    neonaiad Guest

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    that sucks so bad. did you even make it to the wedding? i think i might have ditched it at that point. seatbelt bruises are annoying. like you don't have your car to remind you of the accident already, here's this random annoying achey spot.
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    Lekz Guest

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    whats really tite is that insurance for a female is alot cheaper than for a male... :rolleyes:
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    RacingSolution New Member

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    Just write up flyers and put them on your windshield.. people will walk by and read it and you wont have to explain anything :)

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