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Armrest between AE101 and 98-02 compatible?

Discussion in 'Interior' started by Ninety Four, Sep 8, 2004.

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    Ninety Four New Member

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    Armrest between AE101 and 98-02 compatible?

    Will the armrest for 98-02 rollas fit the 93-97? I really need an armrest so I can have a place to keep things hidden when I park the car. Anyone know if these two are compatible?
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    cleanrolla97dx Guest

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    no i had bought one from a junkyard and tried it in my car it does not fit at all!!!!

    just put it in your glove box
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    Ninety Four New Member

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    Well there were a very few number of 93-97's that came with an armrest stock, so I'm just going to try to find one of those.

    They go on ebay every so often, but in this one auction I bid over $80 for one and still lost....

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