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Beginer to Motorcycle

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by slvr2000fdvspec, Jul 24, 2004.

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    CPat New Member

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    Just a question...why are you doing all this instead of taking some responsibility and getting your own car insurance and doing some stuffo n your own first???
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    e_andree E

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    Yeah, I agree. If you arent paying for your own car insurance, how are you going to pay for your bike insurance?

    How old are you? And hows your current driving record. Youre going to be looking at AT LEAST a grand per year for bike insurance, probably even higher. I have a clean record, married, and am 25 years old and my insurance is going to be pretty high.

    Then add another 500-700 for safety gear. Have you thought about all that yet?
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    midniterains Guest

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    you're buying gear already? i still dont have the proper gear. i only have gloves really, i have old black boots that still fit that can still fit to shift gears. i have a dickies lined jacket that is nice for riding, and i wear khakis most times i ride. when is disgustingly hot i might wear shorts and i know i'm dumb but its just too hot.

    decent riding shoes/boots: 100
    decent gloves: 40
    decent jacket: 250
    decent helmet in which parts dont become unglued that is dot approved: 200+

    all those prices are flexible yeah, but hold on, you might find out this isn't for you.. :confused:
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    CPat New Member

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    See, I'm going about it a little differently....

    First of all, I worked my ass off and got a decent paying job, made sure all the bills are paid, live on my own (with Casey), we pay our car insurance, pay the bills, and make sure everything is taken care of and THEN discuss toys.

    As for how I'm going about it....I'm taking the course first and foremost. That way as SOON as I get a bike I can ride. To take the course I have to have gloves and boots, which are both fine, and after that I plan on getting a good jacket that will keep me from getting torn up when I dump it (cause chances are it's not IF, it's WHEN). After that I plan on putting the money away for the bike, and I plan on all of this by October....paying for all the little stuff now so I can spend the big money later and not feel quite so crunched.

    I know toys are nice, but so is being independent and doing things the right way...not just cause you want it NOW. How good would you feel to know that you're holding your own financially, and not borrowing money off your parents when you're out riding???

    Maybe that's why your mom is flippin out....I know I would.
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    CPat New Member

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    As much as I hate to admit it (since it's my job), bike insurance isn't mandatory in FL. It's stupid not to have it, but you don't HAVE to have it to ride.

    Also, make sure you have life insurance. It sounds like something gay, but if you're gonna be cruisin down the road on 2 wheels at 75 miles an hour, the chances of you making it through that telephone pole and living are slim to none...and you don't want your mom having to pay for all those costs herself.
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    e_andree E

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    I have all of the safety stuff already, and Im taking the course at the beginning of September. Then Im going to buy a bike this winter, when everyone is selling their bikes off because its not the best riding weather.

    My biggest dilemna is finding a bike with the right color scheme...hehe, to match my helmets paintjobs and stuff. Yeah, i know. Lol
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    CPat New Member

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    hahaha, I thought I was the only person with that problem.
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    SkyAce2004 New Member

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    see, this is what i LOVE about the world these days, everyone jumps to conclusions. when i first got my car, i was 16, i got a 4 year loan on it. Im currently 18, but I, ME, MYSELF, pay my bills... the car is in her name, because i dont want to re-finance it, the insurance, so i can have cheaper rates. IF! i do get this bike, then i will have to put everything in my name because my mom wants to be no part of anything.

    im trying to be smart about this, but i guess i just dont give enough detail when i post. and as for buying equiptment, no, i havnt done that either, im trying to get a GENERAL IDEA on what im going to need. instead of jumping into this blind, i want an idea of what im geting into.

    guys, seriously, please stop jumping to conclustions, it is by far my worst pet peeve..
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    CPat New Member

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    you read that and tell us we aren't jumping to conclusions. You said right there that your mom is threatening to drop you off of her insurance...which means YOU are on HER insurance...correct??? That means YOU aren't on your OWN insurance, which means YOU are living off of YOUR MOM. Plus the car is in HER name, which means it is not in YOUR name, which again means...YOU ARE LIVING OFF YOUR MOM.

    Get your own insurance, get the car registered in your name, and THEN tell me I'm jumping to conclusions.

    You ask what you are getting into, and yet when people tell you, you get mad and say we're all jumping to conclusions. You will have to take the course, you will have to buy all the safety equipment, you will have to insure it if you finance it, you SHOULD buy life insurance, you will have to register it, get plates, and get a title transfer, and you will dump it.

    It's expensive. If you don't wanna hear the truth, don't post questions like this on here. No one at any point has said anything rude to you on this post, just offered advice since we've all already walked this path.
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    e_andree E

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    Check with your insurance first to see if you can even afford it. My neighbors son is 18, and he has a clean record, and he is paying 2800 a year for insurance.
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    SkyAce2004 New Member

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    im not trying to act rude. and yea, i do act off my mother, but only to a point. i pay for rent to live here, along with my all the bills that are my responsibility. My car and insurance is in her name because i got everything when i was 16. we have agreed not to re-finance the car to get it in my name so i wont have to pay all the damn interest again and for the insurance, shell keep me under her name so i can afford to pay rent. ur makin me sound like a mamas boy and in no way was i trying to flame you with my reply, nor am i now. I just didnt have the time to post the detail i needed to and it was my fault.

    Adnree, when i go to pay my insurance tommorow im gunna find out about all that stuff, thanks. CPat, the reason i asked about gear is to see how much im gunna need for when i take out a loan to get everything. Ive done my match and at the end of the month, i have an extra 400 dollars after all the bills. I have a year to pay off on my car instead of 2 because of the double payments ive been making.

    The reason my mom is fliping out is because she is scared shitless of those things but, you only live once, and u know what, im gunna damn well live it to the fullest!

    sorry if i sounded rude, but it wasnt what i was tryin to get at. im just excided about goin for this and well, i have alot on my mind. I tried to call the course place (harley) and the dept. was closed, so tommorow i have the day off, so ima go look for the bike i want (NOT BUY) and go get insurance info along with the course and gear...

    thanks again everyone
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    e_andree E

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    Just dont get ya self in a bind. Ya have 400 a month left over.
    So youll be financing a bike, which will be at least 75 buks a month. Then you will have your insurance fees per month, which will be at least 175 a month Im guessing.

    That only leaves ya 150 bucks a month leftover for stuff.

    Im just trying to give ya sound advice, because Ive been in your shoes before.
    If I were you, Id save up your money, buy a bike outright with cash, including all of your gear, registration, MSF Course which is another 250 bucks, etc, so you wont be paying the interest and monthly payments.
    Wait a year, save up ya money, and if ya still want a bike in a year, that shows that you are serious about it. Its what I did, and I am happy that I waited....I can buy a bike straight out with cash, and Im not paying interest on it. And I know that its something that Im serious about, since ive been looking for a few years now.

    You are fortunate that you live in Florida though....you have 12 months of prime riding weather.

    Take the MSF course first.....put up the money for that. If ya end up going through the course, it will also show that you are serious about it, since you put the time and effort to take the course.
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    SkyAce2004 New Member

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    i cant save money...i dont have the will power to put it away...ive tried many times, i just cant do it. so instead of dumping my money on useless stuff, ive been makin double payments on my car... and i cant wait a year to get a bike...im enlisting into the military sometime within the next year.

    im gunna go to the insurance office tommorow and work it out to see what my payments will go to. i pay 200 a month now but ill turn 19 in 6 weeks, so thats a minor decrease in payments. and for financing, i was thinking about 150 a month
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    e_andree E

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    Well, 3k for a bike should be enough to get a good bike to start out with.

    And my motto is....if ya dont have the will power to save up, then ya dont really want it. 3k for a bike, at 8% APR for 24 months will be 135 bucks. Not too bad.

    You pay 200 a month for your car? Whoa....bike will be at least 300 a month then for insurance. Prob 400 in your case. And you turning 19 doesnt mean anything. 25 is the golden age.

    And just as a heads up...your insurance company wont be able to tell you how much your insurance will be unless you have the make, model, and engine size of the bike that you are going to buy. And prob the VIN number as well to give you an exact quote. ive learned all of this from experience the last few months, going through it all myself.

    Try ths link to get a estimated quote:
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    CPat New Member

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    If you want a quote, give me a call at work and I'll do one for you. Just pay it outright though, cause you're going into the military...do you wanna make bike payments while you're gone for something you won't even have time to ride???
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    juggaloryder Guest

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    I've ridden ALOT... (including a Brand new, Yamaha R1 today @ work) and I gotta say, as MANY people agree, the Suzuki Kantana's are the easiet to learn on, BUT a true rider WILL know that you're probly learning if you're on that bike...

    Don't, just DON'T go out for a 1000+cc for your 1st, cause that can be a costly lesson in not knowing how to ride yet.

    Funny thing is I'm about to ask about the gear indicator for a 2003 R1...
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    SkyAce2004 New Member

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    IF i get one, mind is pretty much made up on a Ninja 500R...
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    e_andree E

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    Damn, check out Markels insurance quote that I got. I said that I was 19, to see what the difference would be, and put in 500 deductible which is really high, and ninja 500R, year 2001

    Quote Summary
    Please verify all information is correct.
    Driver Information Driver 1 Driver 2
    Name: Eric Andree N/A
    Birth Date: 4/21/1985 N/A
    Motorcycle / ATV Information Motorcycle / ATV 1 Motorcycle / ATV 2
    Primary Location Zip Code: 21702 N/A
    Primary Location State: MD N/A
    Model Year: 2001 N/A
    Make: KAWASAKI N/A
    Model: EX500D8 NINJA 500R N/A
    Engine Size (CC's:( 498 N/A
    Accessory Package: 500 N/A
    Coverage Information - Motorcycle / ATV 1
    Bodily Injury Liability 20000/40000 $311
    Property Damage Liability 15000 $128
    Passenger Liability 20000/40000 $300
    UM Bodily Injury 20000/40000 $40
    UM Property Damage 15000/100 $10
    Comprehensive 500 Deductible $1,038
    Collision 500 Deductible $1,555
    Total Motorcycle / ATV 1 $3,382
    Overall Total $3,382

    3382 a year, 281 a month.

    AND MY REAL QUOTE, BEING 25 years of age. So the 6 years is a huge difference in price:

    Bodily Injury Liability 20000/40000 $112
    Property Damage Liability 15000 $47
    Passenger Liability 20000/40000 $107
    UM Bodily Injury 20000/40000 $40
    UM Property Damage 15000/100 $10
    Comprehensive 500 Deductible $650
    Collision 500 Deductible $975
    Total Motorcycle / ATV 1 $1,941
    Overall Total $1,941

    161 a month. 120 bucks less for being older.
    If I dropped collision and comprehensive totally, it would be 316 bucks a year. Ya buy a bike for 3k, why pay 2000 a year for collision insurance to cover damage to the bike? That 316 a year covers bodily injury and passanger injury.

    Check it out here:

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    SkyAce2004 New Member

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    well, adding a bike to inurance, would it really go up THAT much? im not adding a person, and i dont need passenger liabality, as i dont want anyone riding with me until a year after riding.

    ill just see what happens when i go to state farm tommorow.
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    e_andree E

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    Youre not just adding it....motorcycle insurance is VERY HIGH. The fact that you have a car has nothing to do with having motorcycle insurance.
    Yes, its going to be very high. I guarantee you will be paying AT LEAST 200-400 a month.

    And dropping passanger liability wont lower your payments much.
    Just add your information into that site and youll get an idea of what youll be paying.
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    SkyAce2004 New Member

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    well, i live in FL...i dont really HAVE to get insurance...
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    midniterains Guest

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    you need at least liability
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    SkyAce2004 New Member

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    lol, i was just messin, if i get a bike, im gunna get full ass coverage...
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    slvr2000fdvspec Guest

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    aye sky, i'm in the same position that you're in right now..young, parents pay for insurance, and wanting to get a bike..

    i'm 17, i got the rolla for a year (still sharin with sister) and the insurance is quite a bit on me..i took MSF last year and passed it, went to DMV and got the m1 license, and i borrowed my cousins 250r from him for a month just to practice and stuff, after i got used to everything, i bought my own 2001 500r for 1800 from a guy down the block, he was moving out and needed to clear out EVERYTHING..till now, i still dont have insurance on the bike, and to be honest, i'm not even riding it..i'm gonna wait till i'm at least 21 to actually purchase a big bike, and then insure it..but now, i'm stickin with my metal box on four wheels, the bike is there as a hobby..
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    SkyAce2004 New Member

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    yeah...ive been doin alot of thinking, and alot ok talkin to family and friends...

    i really wanted to pay off my car...hence the double payments...but, i rode on the back of my friends bike, and well. it was the fucking best thing ive done in a loooong time...i guess i will wait... as much as i dont want to...
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    CPat New Member

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    it'll be that much better when you do it get though....the longer you wait, the more you'll enjoy it when you have it.

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