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maybe a solution to getting our cars stolen

Discussion in 'Interior' started by slvr2000fdvspec, Jun 21, 2004.

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    slvr2000fdvspec Guest

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    maybe a solution to getting our cars stolen

    i was wondering, if we purchase one of those momo detachable hub and steering wheels..would it kinda help with our problem of our cars getting stolen..like everynight, we can take the steering wheel up into our room or something, where it's safe..and put a club on the shifter/ebrake to prevent from being shifted into gear..i really have no problem of taking it up and down as long as i know my car's still there in the morning..also, would one of these be hard to install too? cause i'm thinking of getting it when i get my alarm in the summer
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    ShinmaTsunami T-elos Rider

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    No doubt! That sounds like a great idea!!
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    JspeXAE102 Well-Known Member

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    but u would need a aftermarket steeringwheel for the detatchable hub
    I would just get a autolock pedal lock to either lock your brake or clutch in place
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    turbo4age Love to Hate me

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    i love being able to take off my wheel...... if i EVER leave the car unattended for more than a few hours i add that to my list of anti theft devices
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    that's GREAT...till someone actually comes by with a truck powerful enough to tow yours away.

    trust me...if they really want to take your car, they will. just go to clubsi and look in the regional forums...GUARANTEED someone in almost every area gets theirs stolen weekly.
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    w1ngzer0 Guest

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    because everonye blasts there subs everywhere. Or shows off or screws around. A detatchable steering wheel won't do shit. Watch to make sure someone isn't following you

    Or make sure your wheels are turned becuase they can't tow your car if your steering wheel is locked in a turned position.Talking the wheels of course :rolleyes:
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    Mike4831 C-Town Pimp

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    but they could just bring there own. if they want your car they will try to get it. the auto lock for your clutch or brake i think it the best thing. they cant even get the car started. they can roll it though but there is nothing that is going to prevent it from getting stolen.
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    Ninety Four New Member

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    Yeah if they have a flat bed trunk, even the best alarms, starter kills AND a detachable steering wheel won't help. But these things will stop the joy riders and non-professional thieves.

    The only thing you can really do is get a garage, lock it tight and hope they don't bust into your bedroom at gun point to make you get the keys. :p
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    ot just get that monkey that hides in ur trunk and clubs the jacker over the head
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    lonelydriver New Member

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    lol...i'll sign up for one of those
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    CaptainCorolla Thread Captain

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    Yeah, the truth is, if they want it, they'll take it. BUT if your car has an alarm, autolock, missing steering wheel etc... they will move on to the car next to yours and take that instead. I got a car alarm with a pain generator and a backup battery. I've been in my car when the pain alarm goes off, trust me, they'll leave my car if they get inside. I also park front end out, so my alarm will be louder than cars with their alarm end pointing off towards nowhere. I upped my car insurance to include all my add-ons, and my car alarm company will pay my deductible if stolen. I had an autolock, but got tired of screwing around with it. It also chews up your carpet. But that coupled with my pain alarm would be a deadly combo, imagine trying to saw that bastard off with the pain alarm in your ear?
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    ithaca00yahoo.com Guest

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    what's this pain alarm?

    I just sleep in my car with a baseball bat. that seems to keep most theives away :p
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    Mike4831 C-Town Pimp

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    The really is no sure way to protect your car. A good alarm and all your preventive devices can only go so far. When a guy in my neighborhood had his SI stolen he had a 800 dollar computstar alarm on it. It had a GPS unit. He made the first mistake of parking on his driveway. They hooked his car up to a flat bed trailer broke the windows put down the parking brake pulled it out of gear and were gone in less than 20 secs. he eventually got his car back but it was wrecked in the front and completey striped. he got his money for it through insurance but hasn't bought a car since then.
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    Rolla7afe New Member

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    sad thing is if they are casing your car you cannot prevent theft short of watching your car 24/7 I know someone who got their car stolen from their driveway! with the autolock, alarm, and guess what the person happens to be NYPD! they found broken glass and thats it.... In short with Flatbeds if they want your car its gone. The thing about flatbedding to steal a car is that have you ever looked out your window and seen a car being towed away? Would you think anything of it? Honestly would you even bother to keep looking to see if it was legit.... When questioning people that may have seen the flatbed people didnt even note the name of the towing company they just assume that somone is doing their job.

    So that being said do what makes you feel safe other then that try to keep a low profile, When Im entering my neighborhood I always turn down the radio and drive to bring no attention to myself. If you ever thought someone might be following you home dont go home just yet. If you have an alram see if you can park within earshot of the car because if its not you that is looking to check on your car whith others if it isnt their car people tend not even to glance over when an alarm is goin off.
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    i just try and park my car in safe places i know its been jacked a few times but there really isnt anything i can do alarm no alarm its going to be jacked
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    Mike4831 C-Town Pimp

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    well I know when i leave my car out at a friends house i roll up all my windows, put the sunvisor up, lock the trunk, lock my glove box, and set my alarm. i have wheel locks. as far as preventness goes there really isn't anything else you can do.
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    CaptainCorolla Thread Captain

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    To answer someone's question about the pain alarm:

    it's an auditory alarm inside the cabin of the car, it is very loud and high pitched. I put mine way up under my dash, the idea is: if someone is stealing your car, they may be trying to mess around under the dash or steal your radio, they will go deaf very shortly in my car. It's super high pitch and decible. 100% legal too, DEI (Viper Clifford maker) sells it as an add-on, worth your money!
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    Mike4831 C-Town Pimp

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    i have seen those. it is sopose to be ear screatching. very good idea.
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    Miguel Guest

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    UMMM Ear Plugs People. When an alram goes off in the parking lot i don't run to help i just walk away b.c im annoyed.The only way not to get your car jacked is if you frive a car that isnt that desirable wih no add ons.Period. My friend has a momo removal steering wheel on his integra GSR as well as the brake lock gadget. His car still got his wheels jacked.
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    slvr2000fdvspec Guest

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    did they move the car? or did they just jack it up and take the wheels?
    haha go to autozone, and get 4 different kinds of wheel locks with 4 different keys lol..and put ALL FOUR on one wheel..then get 3 more sets

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