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Need everyone's help for this.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by slvr2000fdvspec, May 18, 2004.

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    slvr2000fdvspec Guest

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    keep the rolla..if your brother needs a big car..go get him an old bronco or something lol..
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    Mike4831 C-Town Pimp

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    Statesboro, GA
    Need everyone's help for this.

    Ok, after giving this tons of thought and through many arguments with my parents I have to really make a decision. I am going off to college in the fall. Right now I have a 94 Corolla. The car has had no problems since I have owned it. My parents bought the car new. I was planning on selling it to my brother. After doing this I was going to buy either a 98 Acura Integra GSR or a 98 Honda Prelude. I have been looking for one for months. Everyone we have gone to look at has been a piece of junk. My parents think I should save my money for another couple of years. They feel the insurance is way to high. The thing that makes the most mad is that I have been saving every penny I have made for the last two years for a car. I have worked 4 different jobs to make more money. I have a bank account with two different banks. One bank I have exactly 2 thousand dollars, just incase you ever needed it. The other was my car account which has 8,584 dollars in it. I was going to use this, the money I got for graduation and the money I would get for my car to buy a newer one.

    Here is what I have concluded:

    A- Hopefully find a 98 Acura Integra GSR or a 98 Honda Prelude buy it, sell my other car and basically have about 3000 dollars for college.
    B- Wait till I am about 21 or so buy either an S2000 or a 350z and keep my car for a few more years. Hopefully have some money in my account.

    I will not settle for a car. I want what I want, because I have worked for it. I really wanted another car because this thing has no features and no power. If I don’t buy a car I have to help my brother find one. He is 6’4” , he needs a car that he can actually fit in. I really have to make my decision by the end of the week. Any input from anyone would help.

    I have to buy my car out right, financing isn’t an option.

    I know this is asuming I still have the car. But I just getting agrivated with all of it. Find and Buy a used Honda or Acura is a Bitch, No one takes care of them.
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    dude save your money and buy something new! in a few years
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    Fox New Member

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    yeah dude... save up its worth the wait.
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    BLADDER_MASTER Active Member

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    Integra and Prelude insurance is high. I dunno if you wanna deal with that.
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    nocpan New Member

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    you really don't want to get a 2 door car b4 you are 25, Insurance will kill you since its a sports car and you are in the public endergament(sp?) age according to car insurance ppl.... stick with rolla, when u finish college get something newer then...
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    TCS-Mike Guest

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    Please dont buy a Honda or Acura.... Your insurance will be too high..... Try to keap your corolla and keap saving. Buying a new car will put you in dept for years and years. Pay cash for a car if you gonna do it. Finish college first, Get a good job then when you get married and have kids then buy a new mini van for your wife. But, Keap the car. All you nead it to do is get you to school or work. If you get a new car then your insurance will go up, your payments will NEVER end and when you do finally pay off your car you will have paid too much for it. Check this out, 4 years ago I bought a 1999 Mazda Protege NEW off the showroom floor, I am still paying $278 per month. I have paid a total of $18 for the car and still have 13 payments left. The car today is not even worth $4,000. I got screwed but the fact remains, Payments suck. I can see getting a new car for your wife but if you are not married then stay away from the dealer.
    I paid cash for my 2001 corolla S with 39k miles on it 6 months ago. I paid only $8,200. looking back now, I wish I got an older Corolla like a 92-95. Then I would of paid only 2-4k for it.......And still had a awsome car.
    Just hate to see someone get into payments when they got the money to pay cash for a good car.
    Keap you old one!!!!!.......:)
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    HK-Racer Guest

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    yeah, finish college, by then you'll get a better paid job. then go buy a brand new spankin car. perhaps a Rolla XRS. but its your choice. by then, newer cars will come out. so its your money and your pick..
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    neonaiad Guest

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    i'd probably buy a new car if I had that much money, but then I'd regret it b/c if i'd saved it I could have gotten a better one later on. so you should probably save it. college is full of semi-moded old cars, you'll fit right it w/ no problem in the corolla, and as long as its given you no problems you might as well keep her. how many miles on it do you have anyway, your resale value is probably already totally shot, so you should drive it till its dead now and keep on saving so you can get something really good, maybe something that hasn't even come out yet!
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    Mike4831 C-Town Pimp

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    Thank you guys who left feedback. I have given it more thought. A Prelude is really out of the question. I really want one but i really don't see how I can afford it. The insurance is up there with the Camaro SS's. That is insane. The GSR is the same way. Now my mom said that she would pay for some of a 2000 Civic or an Integra GS either a 99 or 00. She doesn't me driving at 10 year old car to college that is 3 hours away. My dad doesn't know this yet. He wants me to keep the Corolla, but if i sell it to my brother it would still be in the family. I guess i set my goals to high.
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    PantyBandit Guest

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    listen to your parents. They know whats best for you. I wish i did... :D
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    neonaiad Guest

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    parents aren't always right, but they sure do lend a financial hand sometimes - if your mom will help you, you might want to take it, but don't go behind your dad's back, make sure he's in on whatever the final decision is b/c it'd really suck to get the car thinking you'll get help then have to foot the entire bill. i think i still might want to save the money though.
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    laz Member

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    I think a brand new car is the worst investment ever!!! Like everyone said they depriciate (SP?) so much that by the end of payments the cars is not worth even 1/5th of what you paid. this is the reason why I still have my 98, and I bought it brand new. It took me 5 years to pay it off, and if I would have saved all that money i would be way better off, but then of course I would not have the rolla right now.

    As far as I am concerned I will drive my car until it is not reasonable to drive it anymore. I see me getting another 8 years out of it, and at that point I may buy another used car, but not new.

    While I was in college I drove a 10 year old car to a school that was 8 hours and 400 miles away. never let me down. As long as you take care of the rolla, it will never let you down either.

    If anyting invest your money in a long term CD and get some money out of it.

    My 2C's
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    prophesized Guest

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    first of all i wouldnt get either of those cars becase they are wrong wheel drive but thats a personal preference. your corolla looks to be in pretty good shape and youre the original owner so that helps. i would turn it back to stock and sell your aftermarket parts. then i would sell the corolla. i would take the money from selling that stuff and add the 2k you have saved. then i would buy a used car that is fun to drive while im at college. that way you get the excitement of having a new car plus you have something that is actually fun to drive. i would also make sure it is a somewhat uncommon car that wont loose too much value when it comes time to sell it. i would be looking at 80's porsches, e30 bimmers, mkI and mkII mr2's, 240 fastbacks, etc. then use some of the 8 grand to get the car running great if it isnt already. then save up through college and buy yourself a new car when you graduate.
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    save ur money and get an audi or a wrx
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    i would keep the car. just 3 hours concerns them? PLEASE honey...my best friend took his 92 from Maryland to Toronto and back with no problems, and she's still running strong.

    save your money. keep it for when you'd really need it...like for food...or hell, save up for an apartment after college.

    just whatever you do, save your money.
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    prismolla Guest

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    i have to agree with pretty much everybody here. save your money. your going to need it. i have just finished my third year of college and i well, i've been scraping by ever since my first semester of college. its sucks. even if you have scholarships or not, i think its best to finish college owing as little money as possible. a "new" car can definitely wait until after college when you got your degree and a good job.
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    Mike4831 C-Town Pimp

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    Statesboro, GA
    Very good point.
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    just make sure your mom realizes your car WILL last forever...i mean my 94 had well over 130k miles on her and ran like the day we got her(with 30k on the odo)...as long as you keep maintenance up on the car, she'll be good to you.
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    Mike4831 C-Town Pimp

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    Well that is her main concern. She feels that if i am going to be 3 hours away. If anything happens it could take a week to bring down another car. She would much rather have my brother take mine incase something happens to it that he is ok.
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    blaaaaaaaaah. your car will be fine...just make sure to keep up the maintenance since she's getting older.
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    dopeee Guest

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    yea just wait and save. im waiting to get out of college to pick up a 350z roadster. its just better and wiser to do that then just jump into college with a new car.
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    Mike4831 C-Town Pimp

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    Well I am actually going to college on two scholarships. The Hope Scholarship which will pay for at least 1 year of college plus 1 semester. I have to maintain a B average. I also got a Scholarship from work that this 1500 a year. Which will actually pay for most of my dorm. That leaves about 1100 for the remainder of my dorm and what ever my meal plan pays. My parents always told me that I would never have a problem having money in college. They told me that they don’t want me to work first year. They would give me what I need. Which I think is great. If I take the Corolla I have to change out my suspension. Either put the stock back on or upgrade to a better one. I will also have to lost the system in the trunk, because I will need space. I am going to wait and see what my parents are going to give me for money towards a car. I created that “reserve” account basically for college. I planned on having money in college. The other account was just primarily for the car. It would have been higher but I just got carried away with this car. I will really consider what you guys said.
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    i'd still keep the money as a buffer...it's better to HAVE it when you really need it, if something happens, than just have a nice shiny car and no money when you're really desperate. you can't count on your parents to bail you out all the time...that's part of growing up.
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    LowRolla Will work for turbo

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    keep the rolla, save your cash and get something better further down the road.
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    TurboRolla21 Guest

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    Keep the Rolla but dont buy a s2000 (even though that's the car I want!) or a 350z b/c insurance will be hella high and with you going back and forth to home, that is not enough room. I would look into getting another Rolla or even a Scion Xb. You need good gas mileage and space. Just a few thoughts..Good luck with it though...

    OFF TOPIC:...I saw an Auburn avatar in the old vvti....Are you a Tiger fan?

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