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Engine Unlock Auto Tranny

Discussion in 'Powertrain' started by TurismoDreamin, Feb 28, 2005.

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    TurismoDreamin ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ

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    Unlock Auto Tranny

    Ruling out an expensive "auto to manual" tranny swap, Ive been looking into this unlock auto tranny deal and would like to know the possibilities of this....How hard would it be to mess with the (TC) torque converter? Would I even need to replace my TC or could i re-tune my stock TC somehow? If I can, then how can I tune a TC to a different engine to tranny ratio....im shooting for anywhere between 1.75:1 or 2:1 at the most.....Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated....thanks...
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    fishexpo101 Get Some

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    Well there are "higher" stall torque converters - doesn't really do much for you unless you have some significant mods that moves the powerband upward in the RPMs. Not sure what you mean bu "ratios" - the torque converter doesn't have anything to do with any gearing. TC is a torque multiplier - but it is a function of stall speed and current gearing. In order to get better "gearing" - you would have to work on replacing or modifing the transmission's sun gear, planetary gears and carrier, and ring gear.

    As for difficulty - anyone that has worked on them would say that autos are more difficult to work on than manual transmissions. If you're going to play with the TC - will have to pop the transaxle off.

    Would end up costing you about the same money as a swap - and you still have a weight penalty with an auto. By that point - unless you have to drive an auto - be easier to do a swap.
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    Vamp Gunmetal 2001 Corolla S

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    Gunmetal Grey 2001 Corolla S
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    renfield90 New Member

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    Unlock auto trannies are useful when you're dealing with very high horsepower numbers (like 900 HP Supras). The reason it works well for them is that they have so much horsepower, they can just blow right through gears, and in fact a closer ratio 6 speed m/t for them would be bad (because you'd be shifting literally every second and a half). If you've got a corolla with basic bolt-ons it won't help you too much, because your fundamental problem is that your gearing drops you too far down the tach. Also, unlock auto trannies aren't exactly daily-driver friendly.

    The cost of buying and installing a new torque converter is a little less than the cost of a m/t swap, and you get to keep your auto. It'll help you quite a bit on launches where you can powerbrake higher, but if you're serious about going fast and won't be swapping engines or running 29 psi turbos, then get a manual.
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    RollaRyder1103 New Member

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    i have a brand new levelten stage 3 torque converter for sale if any1 is interested in it
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    TurismoDreamin ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ

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    hmm....so i guess its not that great of an idea then after all....ill just stick with a swap next summer then....thanks for all the help fellas...
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    sean2sean Member

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    so cal
    transgo mod will unlock it...

    torque converter just allows the car to launch faster.

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