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Strut issue?

Discussion in 'Stop, Drop & Roll' started by importdoctor, Aug 27, 2007.

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    importdoctor New Member

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    Strut issue?

    Well everytime i go over a bump in the road, I hear a goggling(well not exactly but close) like sound, as if something is loose coming from my front driver side suspension. It makes no noise when I turn, just when I hit bumps or dips in the road. I just change my rack and pinion and I travelled about 600 miles with a somewhat heavy load. Its not my cv joint, but im guessing its something with my left strut.When im driving abobut 60mph or more I dont really hear it, or it could just be my exhaust blocking out the sound. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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    turbo4age Love to Hate me

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    go take a look at it, doc. you seem to have pinpointed the cause area, now get your hands dirty and do a little diag.

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