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Sued Best Buy and won!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CaptainCorolla, Feb 19, 2005.

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    CaptainCorolla Thread Captain

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    Orange County
    Sued Best Buy and won!

    I recieved a check for over $1,000 today for a suit against Best Buy.

    Best Buy was recently sued for illegal labor practices and procedures. I filed as part of a class action suit and recieved a nice big check. I haven't worked for that company for years, but I had worked there for many years prior. By any rate: Best Buy failed to pay it's employees for overtime, holiday pay and regular hours on a regular basis. I personally had firsthand experience with this situation. I worked Thanksgiving day and was not paid holiday pay as well as an entire work week (my first week) that was unpaid. When I brought this situation to the attention of managers, HR and corporate, I was told that there is NO REVIEW PROCESS for disputed wages.

    Well, now I have my redemption, over $1,000 worth. To everyone out there I say this: Best Buy treats it's employees very very poorly, and it's customers worse. I could gripe about many different things they do wrong there, but it comes down to this: I fought it and won. A judge and the court of law agree that Best Buy is a disaster. To all my managers, supervisors and everyone else I ever worked for at Best Buy: I WAS RIGHT, YOU WERE WRONG, and now I have proof of it, for over $1,000.

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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    damn nice dood!!! shit I need to sue Target those fuckers never paid me overtime......
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    Rolla95 Rollin' Out y0

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    Deptford, New Jersey
    so what u gonna get for your car???
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    TurismoDreamin ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ

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    Hehe, they just built the another Best Buy here in Tulsa thats even bigger than the one thats been here now......it opens this friday.....i remember driving by n seeing all the employees standing outside in the cold talkin to some people in some suits....it was also like 35 degrees for a high n like lows 20s for the low that day, hehe....
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    teevee247 Well-Known Member

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    Montreal, QC
    Congrats on winning :)
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    98guerolla New Member

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    how much of those 1000bux r u dumpin onto the car?
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    e_andree E

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    Maybe its your region, or your particular store, but I have many friends that work at the local best buy, and they love it.

    And I have spent a pretty good amount of money at Best Buy in the last few months (2 new Tvs, entire sound system, surround sound, DVD, furniture, etc), and they went out of their way to match prices for me.
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    Rolla95 Rollin' Out y0

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    Deptford, New Jersey
    yea, the best buy around me if great...i never had problems with them...but i still want to know what your getting for your car with that 1000+
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    CaptainCorolla Thread Captain

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    I try to avoid spending too much on my car. I have trips next month (Vegas and another casino trip). So most of the money will go towards those two. I thought about a wheels and tire package, but my tires are still fairly new. I make pretty good money at my job and could have afforded just about anything for my car, but I'm always looking at improving other stuff first (buying a house or condo) before car. I do like to keep car in excellent repair though, and dress it up a little.

    I worked at 3 different Best Buys during my time with them. I have to be honest and say that one store was pretty good, but the other two were down right horrible. I think it depends on your attitude. I've always felt that you should treat the customer right and they will return and spend more money. Best Buy seems to encourage the idea that the customer should buy only what is profittable and if they don't, who cares about servicing them. Best Buy makes the most profit from: extended warranties, internet service, accessories and other services (netflix, mag subscriptions). I have seen so many sales that have been lost or denied because the sale didn't include those items. I have seen people purposely piss off customers as a result of this. The management not only encourages this behaviour, but will assist you in it. Again, I am sure there are stores that do the right thing out there.

    But the fact remains: Best Buy was sucessfully sued for many of the complaints I had. A court of law sided with the things I saw as wrong. This company was shown, in court, to have gone out of it's way to underpay it's employees. I know I whine and bitch about the company, but I feel like there is truth in what I have been saying now. I have always said that Best Buy could easily turn around and become a customer/employee friendly store if it chose to. If any of you have had good experiences there, I will not deny you that. But I have seen some awful things go at those stores. The worst thing to me is seeing them treat their owns employees like crap.

    Check out this site : http://www.bestbuysux.org
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    Mike4831 C-Town Pimp

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    Congrats man.

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