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Weird Dreams

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Bulletproofswordsman, Feb 19, 2005.

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    Bulletproofswordsman JDM Oroku-Saki

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    Cape Coral, FLorida
    Weird Dreams

    ok wuts the weirdest most f'd up dream u ever had and what do u think it means ?

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    Bulletproofswordsman JDM Oroku-Saki

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    Cape Coral, FLorida
    ok ill start it up once i dreamt that andy dick was trying to shoot me from a black cadillac escalade, i ran into a store that had a downstairs escalator then on the bottom i met brendan frasier who gave me a pistol then i went back outside and i woke up(not a joke) to this day i cant figure that one out
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    rolla02 Corollalcholic

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    I had a dream about meeting my ideal girlfeind and where I would meet her. (It was at a freinds wedding)

    Strange part about it, is that I have found that girl at a freinds wedding
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    wierd f'ed up dreams?

    i always dream about something major about a week before it happens...usually in detail...and it ends up happening almost exactly as i dreampt it. i've proven it to myself, as well...i have an unusually vivid dream, write down all details of it, and a week or so later BOOM there it is.

    example? lets see...i dreampt about the breakup with Derrick, i dreampt about my accident in my old corolla(that was right on target...scary shit...), i dreampt about my dad going away to PA every week for work. all of these things happened at least mostly how i dreampt it happening.
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    damn that's trippy FAL but kinda koo hehehe........weird AND REALLY KOOL dream for me would have 2 b dreamin about havin a foursome with this fine azz college girls and well surprisingly it happened the weekend after lol :cool:
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    blue New Member

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    My weird, and glad that happened, dream was several months ago when I dreamed that me and my now ex were gonna break up. After that night, I started paying more attention to what was going on and found out a couple days later that that she had started talking to this other guy, not as a friend, and on that day I dumped that biatch before it got even further with him. I guess 2 1/2 yrs meant nothing to her.

    Shortly after, I found out that they were together which I knew was going to happen. She comes back crying to me all the time and I just blow her off. I told her, the only time I will ever touch you would be when your'e bendin over, which I guess was fine for her.

    I can't stand cheating. If I'm in a serious relationship and I have the urge to go somewhere else I always let them go before I do go somewere else. That's why young ppl shouldn't be in relationships. I've been hurt once before a while back and wont go through that again. In this situation, I let her go b4 it happened. Late.

    Sorry for the long post but I had to get this out.
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    renfield90 New Member

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    This one isn't so much weird as it is cool.

    I had a dream once where I raced in the German Grand Prix (Formula One). Somehow the driver got sick and they chose me to be a warm body inside. Before long I'm in second place right behind Michael Schumacher, and I hang with him as we both lap the field...damn that was fun.

    I had a dream not too long ago that I had a girlfriend...I guess that's my weird dream :p
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    That's a bad ass dream renfield90....damn I wish I could drive F1 too....it's gotta b a bad butt experience :cool:
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    AE102 New Member

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    i dont have dreams that much....but there was one that i will never forget....i was like at school, and i saw this bitch bending over to get books or something, then i start humpin on her lol. i was humpin or fuckin her. but i was all good ^_^

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