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News Gangsta Parties

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Ninety Four, Feb 1, 2007.

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    Ninety Four New Member

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    Gangsta Parties

    This article from CNN brings up interesting points about "gangsta" themed parties that have apparently been taking place on a couple college campuses. It also points out that many students speak and act in PC terms when around a crowd of mixed race, but often use racial slurs when in private. How do you feel about these parties and would you agree you act differently based on who is in the room?


    So what do you think? Would you participate in or support a party like that?
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    e_andree E

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    Well, let me reply to this thread with what you replied with:

    Im kinda on the fence here.....

    Maybe there should be more regulation in regards to "gangsta rap" then, if its so wrong.

    One, I dont think the school has any basis for any "investigation". Two, I dont see how it was "not harmless fun". Are all of the participants racists? I fail to see how dressing up l ike a gangster with bling bling and holding the "bubbly" deems a person as "one who sees themselves as superior to another"

    Again, why isnt the focus on the ACTUAL gangsta music community? THAT is the real issue here.


    In some cases, Im sure this is the case. Anyone see the F/X show "Black and White"? That show pissed me off. I have a problem with blacks who automatically assume that a person of another race is prejudiced towards them.

    Racism is still around.....but not to the extend that it once was.
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    Arlington, VA/North Bergen, NJ
    I can say that painting his face black was a no-no. This happened a while back in a spanish country and it drew lots of controversy. As far as the ass padding...I mean I don't see how you can associate that with black people. There are girls out there that have big asses and aren't black.

    Now, maybe I haven't noticed it but I rarely hear black people call each other "nigger". I hear them say "nigga". Some will say there is no difference in the term, some say there is. I personally think there is a difference between the two. People just have to watch how they use the term though.

    I don't see any issues with the parties as long as they don't cross the line, like the black face paint. Anyone can dress and speak "gangsta". There's no law saying that white, hispanics, asians, etc cannot dress gangsta. Shit...if you want to wear your grillz then go ahead. You want to wear bandana's and gang colors, then go ahead. But gangsta can't always be associated with blacks. How about if you dress like an ese from Cali. Do you see hispanics complaining about white people, black people, asian people dressing like they from the hood over there? A white person can come in and say "Wussup homes?" or "Yo ese". To me, the word spic is like the word nigger. Both demeaning words. But the word ese is like saying nigga. "Wussup ese" "Wussup my nigga".

    Its always about a black vs white thing. There are limits but who gives a fuck if anyone wants to dress gangsta or wants to have a gangsta party? As long as its respectful, then so be it.
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    e_andree E

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    Right on

    Ninety Four, whats your take on it?
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    I feel you on that. But that goes for any race.
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    turbo4age Love to Hate me

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    i think its all very hilarious... its all in fun. i think black folks are getting a little touchy. i know a bunch of white kids that are "gangsters" and dress all raggy too... they arent imitating black people.

    why is this such a big deal, but when dave chappel (a black man) dresses like a white guy on his INTERNATIONAL show and "mimics" the way whites speak its hilarious? dave even makes jokes on black people, is there and uproar about that as well?

    also, why is attacking damn near everything white folks do so popular? whos being "held down" here?
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    cgreen38 Common sense, p

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    I listened to a local talk radio host take calls about this and give his opinions, and he made a very good point. What was done with the party was distasteful and stupid, but at the same time, no crime was committed. These people have the same right to free speech that anyone does. He also made another point: nobody makes a big deal about "white-trash" parties. Only when the black community is involved does it become a big deal. There is a seriously retarded double-standard in the US when it comes to race. I say those who are offended should just grow up and get over it.

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    Ninety Four New Member

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    I guess you can say I am stirring the pot with this topic, but I was pretty surprised at the opinions some people expressed in the last thread we had on this subject. I posted this comment not to argue the issue, because I've realized that's pointless on this board, but just to see what people's general reactions would be.
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    Again people need to get over the whole racism thing, this is 2007 not the damn old days of slavery.... IF ANYONE gets too ticked off about the topic then just simply DON'T POST!.... this type of threads are a matter of opinion and mature discussion not an immature playground.
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    e_andree E

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    Im sick of the double standard as well.
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    Jon91MR2 New Member

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    It's just more PC bullshit.
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    cgreen38 Common sense, p

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    "Political-correctness", or whatever you want to call that stupid mentality, will be the end of America.
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    turbo4age Love to Hate me

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    pretty sure you just told him to quit fucking talking... and then agreed with him. :superconf
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    cgreen38 Common sense, p

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    QFT = Quoted For Truth.

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    turbo4age Love to Hate me

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    thats cheating haha
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    gangsta parties and slavery are two completely different things. Although I think the opinions are simliar in the threads because in both threads everyone has agreed that black people are overreacting again with shit like this. I can understand if they get mad about the face painting but everything else??

    I got nothing against black people but its the race card they pull thats irritating. For instance, I JUST had a member write to me complaining that she was not approved for a credit card. Her very last sentence was "I bet I didn't get it because I'm black and speak my mind." Now was that really necessary? No. She didn't get it because she has bad credit. Not our fault. its hers.

    Last week we had a company party and all they played was hip-hop and rap. I like that music so I can't complain. But my boy went up to the DJ and asked if he had reggaeton and the DJ said "No spanish music". Its all good, he brushed it off and kept on doing his thing. BUT I'm sure if the DJ played only reggaeton and 60's and 70's music and a black person came up to the Dj and asked for hip-hop or rap, and the DJ said no black music, all hell would of broken loose. Thats the type of people I work with. Alot of the black folks here think they're superior to everyone else. Just doesn't fly with me.
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    e_andree E

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    So you want to hear what other people have to say about it, yet you arent willing to post up how you feel about it? If you had so much pride in your culture and your race, youd be standing up for yourself, instead of whining and crying when people post up opinions that you dont want to hear.

    All in all...everyone against the Gangsta Parties are over-reacting, plain and simple. The face painting is an overkill, but nothing else about any of it is offensive. If it were, 75% of the videos shown on BET, MTV, etc would be deemed offensive.

    Cry me a river.
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    Ninety Four New Member

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    Could you explain how debating you on the internet and having pride in my race have anything to do with each other?

    Besides, I'm speaking to those neutral people on the board who are actually not racists.
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    e_andree E

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    My bad....I guess you just posted this up to prove to yourself that you reallly ARE being held down by the white man.

    Whats the purpose of posting something like this up without posting your own opinion on it? In the other thread, not a SINGLE PERSON agreed with you. Then you spout out how you are glad this board has an ignore feature, then you post up this thread just to probably confirm your fears that no one would agree with you in the fact that you are so offended by these gangsta parties....so honestly, what were your intentions here?
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    Ninety Four New Member

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    This message is hidden because e_andree is on your ignore list.
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    e_andree E

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    LOL> What a fucking loser. You dont have the will power to just not read my replies? Ya have issues if someone on the internet is getting to you....You FUCKTARD
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    10R New Member

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    Whatup. I hear you. I bet I'm not the only one either.
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    e_andree E

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    If you read the other thread, every single person says that yes, they should "get over it"...guess this entire board is racist then
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    10R New Member

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    I'm not black so I'll never pretend to be in those shoes. I do know what its like to feel offended and theres not a right or a wrong to it. You're obviously entitled to your opinion but have some respect.
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    e_andree E

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    I do.....but there is a HUGE difference in feeling that its taken farther than it should be and being a racist. So since some disagree, we're automatically racists? Thats absurd.....
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    BloKKem New Member

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    I think the fact that "gangtsa" & "black" are so tied together in the media is more of a stereotype than anything. I can see how racism gets tied up in it but most people only know about some topics from what they see on TV and internet. Just because some people dress up for a night and act like a different race other than their own definitely doesn't make them racist. Retarded maybe, racists no.

    Besides, anytime the NAACP gets involved, you know its probably a story that is not worthy of real news and they are just trying to get attention drawn to it through the power of their name. Organizations like NAACP and other ones which I cant think of off the top of my head are very bad for the USA. In my opinion they need to get rid of all organizations focused on a specific race and all holidays/months that are solely dedicated to a race. It only promotes racism. I definitely believe in celebrations of a specific culture or heritage based on historical merit but not of someones race w/o reason.

    Organizations like the NAACP need to evolve into something like an NAAP and I would fully support such functions and their cause. Until the USA starts looking at eachother as people (which I think will happen one day) instead of still color we will always have these issues. Also, famous people of any color need to stop advertising the stereotypes in a humorous manner. People like Carlos Mencia, Dave Chapelle, and countless others are not helping society in any way. Ya the shit is funny but at what cost are people laughing. As someone mentioned earlier in this post, Chapelle never catches hell for his play on stereotypes towards any race and the double standard for famous comedians/entertainers is definitely setting us back in terms of getting past this hurdle in American history.

    I agree that in the civil rights movement that this was true. Unfortunately the civil rights movement isn't the point here and has no point of being brought up in the same topic. I went to a predominately black school and the sad truth is that the n-word, bitch, whore, and sooo many other derogatory terms are everyday talk between friends. It seems this occurs in any community and is pretty much accepted in whatever terms and lingo are used in that respective area. I mean how many times have you just walked up to a friend and was like "sup bitch" and were responded to in the same manner? Its just the society we live in.
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    ShallowPockets New Member

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    All I can say to you all is move to Memphis for a couple weeks. EVERYTHING here is assumed to have racial undertones, from the proceedures at our Juvenile Court, to a recent FBI fraud sting of local politicians to the re-districting of our county's school system to relieve overcrowding.

    Fro example, we recently had a politician get pulled over after hitting a semi on the interstate. She was charged with DUI as she was incoherent at the scene (as anyone would be with slurred speech and uncontrolled movement). Before she even went to trial, there were rumblings of racisim as the officer who responded to the scene was of a different race. Nevermind the fact she failed the field sobriety test. You can't sneeze here without being accused of being racist, and people here are quick to pull a race card(regardless of the color of their skin) in any situation to gain more favorable ground.

    I wish the only racial anything we had to deal with sometimes is a gangsta themed party and the occaisional white guy dropping the n-word amongst his white friends.
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    Prodigy3006 Rubber Man

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    don't you own this forum now? way to be an example.

    he didn't post, then he got called names for not posting, or ignoring someone.

    75% of videos shown on BET and MTV are offensive. Rap music is not black culture, it is hip hop culture. If this is the culture that describes you, then I would take a second look at myself. Hip hop culture transcends race and is a useless, oftentimes detrimental culture, if you ask me. The day you hear me defend the rap you hear on the radio is the day I spend more money on my car in mods than what I paid for it (did those kinds of things when I was young).
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    Fgca_rolla milky cocopuffs

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    So going to a gangsta party and being white is racist, but movies like white chicks where blacks go under cover and make fun of white culture for 2 hours is comedy? What about the movie soul plane that was 2 hours of making fun of white stereotypes?

    Double standard.

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