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News Should Spanking be banned?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by e_andree, Jan 25, 2007.

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    e_andree E

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    Should Spanking be banned?


    Need a lesson in parenting? If you live in California, you may have to take one from the government whether you like it or not. Next week, Assemblywoman Sally Lieber will introduce a bill banning the practice of spanking children younger than four. If passed, the state will become the first to make the corporeal punishment of infants and toddlers a misdemeanor — punishable by up to a year in jail and a $1,000 fine — along with more than a dozen countries, mostly in Europe, that have laws against the practice. "Young children can't run or speak for themselves. They are sitting ducks for abuse," Lieber said. "And it is just not true that the current law protects children well."

    She's not the first American to argue that legislation is the answer. The town of Brookline, Mass., successfully passed a resolution against spanking in 2005, although similar statewide efforts have failed. Last year in Massachusetts and 15 years ago in Wisconsin proposed anti-spanking bills did not get much support in the legislature; critics feared that it would be impossible to enforce a ban against such a common practice. According to the American Demographics' 2004 data, nearly half of parent-age Americans think it is an appropriate mode of discipline for children 12 and younger. Even more surprising, only 27 states have actually banned corporal punishment from their public school systems.

    For critics of the ban, the current law — which states that parents, guardians and relatives can use any form of physical discipline that is necessary as long as it is not unjustifiable — is enough. But for Lieber, who hears criticism daily from prosecutors, judges and pediatricians that children are being beaten and their parents are getting off on a technicality, the law doesn't even come close to being enough.

    "By law you would have a hard time differentiating between a responsible parent who thinks about parenting and then hits and one that does not," Lieber said. "Responsible parents have to give up the privilege to physically discipline their children for the sake of protecting children that aren't being hit once in a blue moon or in a light way, but are really being hit day after day, many times a day."

    But new California bill may have a better chance of success. Unlike previous attempts, the age restrictions will make the bill more palatable to many. "We are talking about babies," said Nadine Block, executive director of the Center for Effective Discipline. "People know that babies don't understand right and wrong. Hitting them is ineffective and can lead to injury." Another plus is that Gov. Schwarzenegger has already noted that he is receptive to the bill. Although the Governor recalled being hit by his father, he said that he and his wife, Maria Shriver, did not practice spanking and preferred other methods of discipline, like threatening to take away playtime. "I think any time we try to pass laws that say you've got to protect the kids, it's, in general, always good," Schwarzenegger said in an interview with the San Jose Mercury News. "I just want to find out from her exactly the way she envisions it and to enforce it and what the whole thing is about."

    While the assemblywoman has outlined a proposed punishment, she has yet to address how the bill would be enforced. In Europe, most countries consider the ban on spanking an educational law, which means that on the first couple of offenses parents receive a fine and attend mandatory parenting classes on discipline. "I don't know how the European laws would really translate in the U.S.," Block said. "But I do think an educational law is a good way to go." Like child abuse, unless the child reports it or the spanking leaves a mark and is reported by a relative or teacher, it will be very difficult to detect when parents are violating the law.

    "A hundred years ago it was considered a novel idea for the law to say you couldn't hit your wife," said Block. "Today, we can't hit slaves, wives or military personnel. Children are the only class that is unprotected."
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    This won't stop a parent from spanking their kids. The gov't is not around 24/7 to see what goes down in a house hold. Should it be banned? I don't think it should. There are some bad ass kids out there that do need a good spanking every once in a while.
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    e_andree E

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    Yeah, this wont stop it. Some states have laws on the books that outlaw Blowjobs....
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    cgreen38 Common sense, p

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    That's the most asinie thing I've ever heard of. People say America has no discipline and kids are so bad, yet we try to outlaw discipline? WTF? :mad:
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    TurismoDreamin ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ

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    I think they need to bring back the days when it was acceptable to spank kids, this applying to teachers as well. In Oklahoma (along with non big city schools in the South), teachers openly display paddles and ive heard of places where they call the parents and if the parent suggests it, the teacher will paddle them once or so and separate them from class until they've behaved. Its been on the news over here before. (There are a lot of things in the South you "big city"-ers dont know about. Did you know there are schools in south east Oklahoma that have gun racks at the front entrance because kids over there go hunting in the morning and come straight to school. That was only 5 years ago so I dunno if they did away with it yet, but the last time I was in school and our school played them at a game, the racks were still there.)

    Anyways, this is the reason why our kids today are becoming "soft". Ya kno, back in the day, you didnt see all these school shootings or disrespectful kids because parents and people alike knew how to keep their kids in line. Now these days, kids wine if they don't get their way. You know what im talking about. You see little Jimmy at the grocery store and he's like "Mama, I want this candy bar" and when she says "no, maybe next time", Jimmy starts throwing a yelling fit that echoes throughout the store. But what does the Mom do, she leans down to the kid, and pleads with them "Now Jimmy, don't cry, you'll get one next time" and while he sits there yelling and crying, she just tells him to "Ssshhh" but in a nice "Ssshhh" way. I know you all know what im talking about. If that were a few decades ago, that kid would have a swollen ass....
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    vortex Well-Known Member

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    honestly i think thats the problem with a lot of kids today... they didn't get their ass beat enough... i'm not sayin thats the solution for every one of them.... but there is a HUGE difference between disciplining your children and beating them just to be beating them... *shrug* who knows.
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    e_andree E

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    Screw that...I hit my wife, my kids, and most definately my slaves.
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    I hope 50 years from now, your kids, grandkids, etc will pay the slaves family for the smacking around you do on your slaves.
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    vortex Well-Known Member

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    ROFLMAO! omfg...
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    When I was a kid I got the shit beat out of me :) And when I have kids I'll beat the shit out of them. It's the way of things ;)
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    gotarheels03 New Member

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    Hockessin, Delaware / U of D Dorms
    I believe this originated out in Nazifornia........
    And in short, hell no. The problem with todays kids is that they're not disciplined enough. Not to mention I have serious issues with this country becoming more and more of a "Nanny State" as it is.

    Also, if spanking was so "dangerous" then why didnt all of our parents end up with serious emotional issues, or hell any kid who went to Catholic school?

    Not to mention a spanking ban is basically unenforcable.
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    Mayur Biggest trd whore in the whole wide world

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    Hell I got the belt and sometimes a wooden stick that is used to flatten out tortillas (cant remember the english name cus I never say it) Man Id got beat for everything. White parents need to beat their kids lol
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    Fgca_rolla milky cocopuffs

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    I had a simliar debate w/ my room mates g/f. She said that when she had kids she wasn't going to discipline them because apparently positive reinforcement creates better children. My arguement to that? When I messed up I got spanked, my dad did, his dad did and so on, but the kids today (the 10 y/os w/ ipods actin like thye are on real world) get this bs positive reinforcement. My generation and the ones prior weren't having sex on school busses at 5. We weren't robbing stores at 7. We had respect for others...weird right? So beat away parents and maybe your kids wont turn into f*cks.
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    Hell yeah, I remember my parents getting really creative telling me that i had to go find a spoon to get my spanking with and if I picked a small one they would go straight for the huge spoon with the drain holes in it, That sucker left some wiked marks :D
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    Mayur Biggest trd whore in the whole wide world

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    Same thing here, my dad would tell me to go get one of those sticks. Of course I picked the smallest and weakest one. He curses and goes and gets the biggest strongest one. lol
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    Fgca_rolla milky cocopuffs

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    "This is going to hurt me more than its going to hurt you"....my @ss....that belt hurt.
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    I say we hold a national "hit your kid/wife day" in protest of this...lol.
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    Hahahaha, we need to photoshop a flyer for this event hahaha :lol:
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    Prodigy3006 Rubber Man

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    "Today, we can't hit slaves, wives or military personnel. Children are the only class that is unprotected."[/QUOTE]

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    dward3 Well-Known Member

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    When I was kid. My grandfather told me a good old fashion floor banging doesn't hurt anyone :)
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    e_andree E

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    Floor banging?
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    dward3 Well-Known Member

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    its like getting body slammed
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    not good for a kid. but wonderful to use to teach the wife a lesson.
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    ShallowPockets New Member

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    Everytime I have the misfortune of going to either the grocery store or a place like Walmart or Target I see, say, 25 kids I'd like to see getting an asswhooping. I got spanked as a kid and I turned out ok I suppose. I did learn not to do whatever it was I got the belt for again too!

    And yeah, they still paddle in schools here, though your parents could sign a waiver not allowing them to spank you. Even in HS you can take a couple licks or a week's worth of suspension. I remember friends getting busted for stuff years ago and taking licks, as their parents didn't find out about that like a suspension. I suppose it's a South thing. Definitely not something the People's Republic of California would allow for anymore...the anti spanking smog-nazis! :p
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    dward3 Well-Known Member

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    I apologize, using body slammed was probably a wrong choice of words. :)
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    Azn_SpICe New Member

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    I don't know about you guys, but my husband and I do not spank our kids (we have twins)...they are handfuls, but we do not spank...it's called being in control. if my sons touch something or grab something that they shouldn't be touching, i tap their hands and they dont do it ne more. my parents never spanked me or my siblings. In my family (my husband, kids, and i) believe VERY strongly not to spank our kids ....especially my husband ...i know that he believes it more because he works with autistic kids 8 hours a day. They are tough kids, they don't understand much and they are teenagers..

    i don't really care if spanking is banned or not....just use your common sense!...think about it, if you are spanking your kids a lot and your kids might hate you cuz they think that you are unfair and don't (probably will not) understand why you did it in the first place....and when it comes to that time where you're at the age where you are needy..who do you go to?? YOUR KIDS OF COURSE. they are the ones that should be supporting you. I would not be surprised if they ignore you.

    I want my kids to respect me and their elders as adults. Especially for those of you who spank your kids....what if they go and tell someone as a teacher what you did....a social worker will come to your house and "inspect" you. I don't need my kids to be grouchy all the time because they are always pissed at you.

    My kids gets everything that they want as long as they obey me and it has to be something reasonable. In my house, there are no yelling whatsoever. they always play with their toys (and knows how to put their toys away) and eat when they are called to eat and take naps at certain times.

    SO YES, i fell strongly about this issue....like i had said, i don't care if they ban it or not, it's the parents responsibility to keep your kids in check. the way that you act and perform in front of them is what teaches them to behave. there........i have said enuf on this issue.
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    ShallowPockets New Member

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    This is what it really boils down to right here.
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    e_andree E

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    Your kids are about 2, right?
    I dont agree with any of that.

    Like I said, theyre about 2, if that?

    To each their own
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    Azn_SpICe New Member

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    yes they are young, but that's where it begins...you have to teach em early. it all depends on the parents....AND I HAVE 2 at the same time to deal with.

    the working parents are the ones that are screwed...the kids does not have anyone controlling them or looking after them. THAT is one reason why I am now a stay at home mom...i do not need a babysitter for my kids...for all i know the babysitter can do stuff with my kids that I do not approve of and they wouldn't even mention it to me. I don't need the hassle of putting a hidden camera either.

    okay here's an example...my little sister, for some reason just out of nowhere started crying and my parents couldn't stop her and she would not tell them why was she crying either...she was going to be late for school so my mom just dropped her off like that...crying...would not grab a tissue to wipe her tears or anything.

    so...she gets to school...what happens?? the teacher suspected that she was abused at home...involved in some sort of hitting..they called a social worker to go to my parents house and investigate what goes on at home. they also wait outside of the house (my dad didn't want her waiting and sitting inside) until my bro (highschooler) got home to question him about my parents. they went into every bedroom, even mines to ask who sleeps where and why was my room so empty. all i have to say is they are STUPID IDIOTS.

    SO........no spanking was involved.....no foul play.......it was because my parents owns a shop and they cannot stay at home with her all the time and she just wanted some attention and the stupid teacher thought that she kept quiet because my parents had hit her...it's been about 3 months now and the case is still OPEN. social workers still comes over to the house!
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    I got spanked when I was a kid. I never lost respect for my parents or anyone for the matter. Even today, if they needed my help, I'd be there for them. You might be one of the lucky ones who's kids listen, but not every kid is like that. so i'm gonna have to disagree that kids will or might go against their parents when they need help.

    I will agree that it does narrow down to the parents controlling their kids. To me, if you can control your kid without spanking them, then good for you. but if that kid just decides that they dont' want to listen to you even though you're in control, then yes..spank away.

    Let my kid go to a teacher or whoever. Let a social worker come to my house. They're my kids. if I believe in spanking them then so be it. I'm not taking a bat or a damn broom to their head. spanking every so often and abusing a kid are different, IMO. If you spank a kid every damn day for no reason or cause you think he/she is out of control, then yes I see that as abuse. At a point like that a parent must take in that the kid needs help or the parent does. But I will say that no one is going to tell me how to raise my kids.

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