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I'm baaaaaaaack. :)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Paolino, Jan 7, 2007.

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    Paolino SolidTuned

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    RAF Molesworth, UK
    I'm baaaaaaaack. :)

    Ok so, Colorado was totally KICK ASS. The snow was awesome. I stayed with my g/f's family in Pagosa Springs, which is a really cool quaint town about 3.5 hours north of Albuquerque, NM. I have a huge update on the "Peace Wreath article" we saw on here before I left. lol More about that later.

    I went snowboarding twice at Wolf Creek and had a total blast. this was the first time ever seeing/being in/touching snow in my life and I have to tell you I was like a 5 year old. lol (ok, well, when am I not?) I pelted my gf with a dozen snowballs randomly. lol (that was fun) I helped the family build a garage but building walls and raising them. (I totally felt like Tim Allen in that movie where they pretend to be Amish people and have a "barn rasin'") LOL It was really cool though. The mountain susets were amazing. I'll have pictures of that soon.

    I have to say it was an amazing experience overall. Pagosa has these hot springs there that are really cool too. All of them are regulated temperatures and are all different, so you have spring hop around. lol They are sulfur springs though, so they smell a little, but not as bad as I thought they would in my head. Overall a neat experience and VERY helpful to relax the sorenees of snowboarding. (especially the neck muscles lol)

    Ok so about the Pagpsa Peace Wreath lady. (search for the article, I'm too lazy too)

    Well, I was on her side from reading the article, but apparently here's more of the real deal. Coincidentally this was in my gf's subdivision of all places. LOL Well a guy put up some skis on each side of his mailbox to show he's a skier. (apparently its a common thing?) Well they had a peace sign on them and the subdivision got some complaints so he was asked to take them down. He did and with no problems because one of the rules of the subdivision is no signs. Well after he took them down this lady puts up her peace wreath in spite some think. (I was told that the peace wreath used to be a symbol of satanism or something really bad before the free love movement of the 60sish era where it was adopted as a peace/anit-Vietnam and all war sign) Some of the residents of that neighborhood were offended because of what it used to stand for (older ones). That I guess I can understand, and regardless, it was a rule of the subdivision anyway. This lady knew that.

    Well, she got mad and instead of working it out with the board members, she immediately contacted the Durango Herald, a slightly bigger newspaper than the local Pagosa one and told her story. (her side of it) (one of my gf's friends was the girl who had to photograph the wreath for the story.)

    Well...this bitch takes her wreath down and puts up a much bigger one for the story to help her lame case. The reason the board all stepped down was because of all of the threats and nasty mail they received because of this lady not even ATTEMPTING to work it out with them and going RIGHT to the paper with her story.

    I was so mad I ever took her side. I wanted to find her house and burn the wreath. lol

    Well now Pagosa is getting a lot of bad rep over this blown up story. I want to post something out all over the net to set it right...
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    e_andree E

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    The board stepped down? All of the artiicles Ive read say that they were fired

    And the peace symbol representing satanism? Only thing Ive been able to find that links the two is that it resembles Neros Cross.......Nero believe that there would be world peace without Christianity. If one were to deduct that since he believes that, that his vision represents Satan, well....thats a stretch.
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    Paolino SolidTuned

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    RAF Molesworth, UK
    Someone stepped down if I remember what they told me correctly. I need to call Allison again and see what I mixed up. lol Anyway there is no neighborhood "board" or committee at this point.

    The Nero's Cross thing, I bet that is where they are getting the Satanism deal from. Wikipedia links the two together.

    At any rate, its just funny seeing different sides to the story that you would not know about at all if you weren't local to the issue. Heh.
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    Cool man glad u had fun, welcome back

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