not bad! lol
miss me? lol Added: Feb 16, 2013 at 6:44 PM anyways I'm barely online... too much work... it's like what happened to vamp, except the overly modded...
not really... I changed mine cause I got a new radiator and saw the civic 1.1 4$ cap fit mine just perfect... I'm not really sure I'd pay 30~ for a...
bars... 0.9 bars is around 13psi... 1.1 = 16ish 1.3 almost 19
I got the same cap you have right now, the 1.1 bar for civic radiator cap... been working perfect for years... corolla stock one is 0.9, TRD cap is...
your engine uses Iridium NGK ones... mine is the 1st version of the 1zz-fe, uses copper sparks, sorry for the mistake
no... 1999 on wards use iridium with the coil-on-spark plug design change and easier to ID which 1zz uses it, since it also has vvt-i......
to clear it :P remove the battery, wait 5~10 seconds, reconnect... oh and your engine is a 1zz-fe with vvt-i... I think those use iridium plugs......
I use NGK V-power copper plugs in mine, feels the best, and are cheap as heck... ticking noise can be from a hydraulic valve... usually what I do...
yea, cause the relay works the magnet clutch
those grey ones are the AC ones, red one dunno wtf it does... you're really just gonna toss them out then mail me a S&H quote and just send them...
just I'll pay you S&H then :P and 0.01$ :P
well, mine died inside he cabin, system is still pressurized and didn't make a dying sound, it just turned off... Main fuse (the 100amp one) is...
I need relays for my AC.... weather's a bitch over here
LOL rip off... everything
lmao this thread is still alive?
yea man, that's what I'm saying lol... in the states, I'd be better off keeping the rolla... which I'm starting to warm up to that idea...
I'm pretty sure you'd take mine apart LOL... I'd do the same if I bought yours
shit, if it was for reals I'd give it to you for 3750 as a discount... *sigh* people here are broke, but I ain't letting mine go for less than that
only 2 offers! and both where super low ballers!