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Tech ATM issue...pretty funny (to me at least)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DaCubanSkillz, Dec 16, 2005.

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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    ATM issue...pretty funny (to me at least)

    It might be funny to those who are Anti-Windows.

    So last night my girl gets a call from our roommate who was at Bank of America and she was mad heated. She said she went to take out money and as soon as she put in her PIN #. a screen popped up and said, "Windows XP, please press control, alt and delete". And to top it off, it ate her card. lmfao. She got owned by Windows. Goes to show you shouldn't run ATMs off of Windows..lol.

    It got even worse when the teller at the drive thru said that the only two people who have access to the ATM aren't there. lol. So she has to go back today to get her card....thats if they didn't destroy it already which some banks do per their policy.

    Just thought I'd share a funny Windows moment. lol.
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    If the ATM was running *nix it would have had a Kernel Panic and ate the card :D
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    vortex Well-Known Member

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    uhh no. if it has been running *NIX it wouldn't have had an issue... PERIOD.

    i know you like to preach the software because you work there, but unfortunately there are places one must bow, and this is one of them. I used to work there as well and believe me, windows gets praise where praise is due. But every operating system has its place, even if it is at the bottom of a trash can. Windows is a great desktop and office server setup where you have someone to manage it readily. Granted Windows has been getting better, but its still got some growing to do. Currently, if you rely on something running without having to babysit it, *nix is your route. like i said, I like them both, because they both have places in the IT world, but ATM's are not a place for windows. (yet)
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    statik New Member

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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    Oh come on Trav. I'm just playing :D But you have to admit that *nix is not a brick shit house either :) Both Windows and Linux have vulnerabilities and probably always will. Stating that *nix would never have a problem would be a lie :D. I would actually be suprised if ATM's actually ran *nix since most of it is open source and would potentially leave there systems more vulnerable to hackers that analyze code. But I'm actually pretty shocked that an ATM was actually running Windows because I will admit that Windows resource consumption is far beyond *nix in most scenarios so it wouldn't make much sense to pick that as an OS for a kiosk style machine that just spits out money. Maybe that ATM did some more stuff that we don't know about? Hmmmm.

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