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News Ex-Gang leader denied clemency

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DaCubanSkillz, Dec 12, 2005.

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    Paolino SolidTuned

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    RAF Molesworth, UK
    I counted 11 books on Amazon.com and some DVD and tapes of him as well...

    Grrr :) Ass. Good one though. I know I'm not a biblical scholar, but I do read. All I'm saying is it is a dead way of thinking. [We can talk more of it up in another thread, not that you would take the invitation. heh]

    Sorry, don't mean to trash really, just trying to show the other side of the coin.
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    Duvall, WA
    I totally see your side of the coin :) I just don't agree with it is all. But keep fighting the good fight :D
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    asn13oy Stepping Stones

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    You learn of "eye for an eye" in school when talking about the Hammurabi Code, though there is reason to believe that Hammurabi was a God fearing man.

    The Crips (or Cribs as they were first known) did not have their beginnings as a violent gang...

    Quote from http://www.nagia.org/Crips_and_Bloods.htm:
    "In addition to emulating the Panther appearance, Washington also admired an older gang that remained active throughout the 1960s called the Avenues. He decided to name his new quasi-political organization the Baby Avenues, to represent a new generation of black youths. They were also known as the Avenue Cribs, and after a short time they were referred to as the Cribs, which was a comment on their youthfulness. Their initial intent was to continue the revolutionary ideology of the 1960s and to act as community leaders and protectors of their local neighborhoods, but the revolutionary rhetoric did not endure. Because of immaturity and a lack of political leadership, Raymond Washington and his group were never able to develop an efficient political agenda for social change within the community."

    Prison was not created to rehabilitate. This notion to rehabilitate while in prison is a relatively new way of thinking.

    If you're in college you should take a social deviance or juvenile delinquency class. You'll learn about all the above.

    Like previously stated, Williams showed no remorse b/c he believed that he was innocent. However, he was "convicted" in court. He wrote books about personal redemption, but never did he admit guilt. Many of the cases against him were strengthened by other inmate testimonies, and "expert" witnesses.

    Personally I have no strong reason to be for or against Williams' execution. I just don't like it when people base their judgements off of limited knowledge.
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    e_andree E

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    I agree with you. I see exactly what Paolino is saying....I just dont agree with it either.

    Regardless of whether or not he has "changed his entire way of thinking" (which, no one knows if that is true or not), and regardless of whether he has been doing good things behind bars, granting clemency for him would set a BAD precedent for future cases like this.

    Im assuming he appealed as many times as legally possible, and if that is true, its obvious that it was denied every time as well. The court system was created for a purpose, and overturning 4, 5, 6 different decisions to KEEP his death penalty would be a huge blow to the court system.

    I think the entire option of a politician allowing clemency is wrong in itself.
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    LoSx New Member

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    I also agree that clemency seems wrong but everyonce in a while it is needed... maybe some new evidence is found or something happens... always need a just in case option.... HOWEVER I do believe 99% of the time it is inappropriately used!

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