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News Abortion rights

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by corollarider19, Nov 7, 2005.

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    corollarider19 New Member

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    Abortion rights

    so who here is prolife and who here is against it. I belive no matter what the women has final say in this. I do belive that if its in a marriage she should have to notify the husband. i could go on just want other peoples view
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    gotarheels03 New Member

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    Hockessin, Delaware / U of D Dorms
    of all the major political issues, this is one where Im not sure where I stand. I dont like abortion, but I also feel like in certain situations (rape, incest) It should be allowed.
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    i think it should be woman's choice. it's her body.
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    Ninety Four New Member

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    The choice should definitely be available, IMO.
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    Bulletproofswordsman JDM Oroku-Saki

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    Fgca_rolla milky cocopuffs

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    I'm split to a degree. I believe the girl has the right to do what she pleases with her body. The thing I don't approve of with respect to abortions is women that use it as a method of birth control. Not like "omg i accidentally got pregnant one time ordeal" but women that get multiple multiple abortions through out the course of their lives because they don't understand how to swallow a pill or put a condom on.
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    while i agree, she will successfully make herself incapable of breeding. for people who think it's a form of birth control, i couldn't think of any better form of punishment. :)
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    e_andree E

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    I agree with this.

    I am pro-choice. A woman has the right to choose.
    I think that minors should have to have a parent co-sign.....maybe that will prevent again in the future.
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    Azn_SpICe New Member

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    I'm also in the middle because I had a baby once before w/out getting married and such and I had the choice to have an abortion, but i didn't want to....

    so it depends on what the girl wants to do.

    I dislike abortions w/ a passion because I believe that when two people have made a baby, that's another life in them...but it also doesn't mean that i'm gonna hate the girl if she does decide to have an abortion. like i have said, it just depends on the girl.....but i swear, dont you think having an abortion ONCE is enough? cuz i kno some girls that have had abortions at least TWICE already...i mean c'mon, learn your lesson already!

    i'm just saying this because i gave birth to my baby (when i just barely turned 18) and he passed away at 2 1/2 months later...and that was the WORSE feeling ever and now that i'm preg w/ twins (but married this time), i am very blessed.

    sorry if i got off topic...but continue on
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    I heard Madonna had over 14 abortions before her kids that she has now.

    I believe its a girls choice if she wants to or not. But after the first one, they should think about using protection.
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    ob1murry New Member

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    I don't agree with abortion. However, I couldn't agree more with what you said. Everyone knows it is a possiblity going into it. This is just refusing to deal with the consequences of your own actions. Like you said, if your worried about it, use a pill or get a condom. If it happens after that, it's a different story, I still don't agree with it, but it is different, but like you said, using abortion as birth control is ridiculous.

    I also feel that a man should have at least some say in it. It is wrong that a man is refused his son/daughter because of someone else. In the same way it is wrong to tell her she can't do what she wants with her body, it is wrong to tell him he can't have his child. I realize it is HER body, but he had an equal part in creating it.

    Again agreed, although I'm not sure if it is in the same way. There was this girl my best friend used to date. They eventually broke up, but in the course of their relationship, it came out that she had had an abortion when she was pregnant wit another guys baby, before her and my friend were dating. We were in 10th grade when this came out. It was at least 1 year prior. She never told the father. I feel sorry for her in the sense that she is going to grow up never knowing that child now. I feel sorry for the father in the same sense, and in the sense that he has no idea. Since that time, I have heard the rumor, though not known as a fact, that she gotten a second one. I believe she is still 18. I believe she will have an awfully tough time with this down the road.
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    Ninety Four New Member

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    They may never know what that child was like, but do you realistically think she would have been able to support that child as a 10th grader? If she had to take care of the kid on her own, she would probably have to drop out of school, which would severely limit her ability to get a well paying job in the future. It really just depends on what you deem to be important.
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    ob1murry New Member

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    No, I don't think she could have. Where did you get the idea that I did? However yes, it does depend on what you deem to be important, going around having sex in 9th grade was what was important to her, school obvously wasn't, as she later dropped out. It wasn't about what was important to her. It was about being able to run around being irresponsible with no consequences to deal with. Do you realistically think that in 10th grade, so she was 15 or 16, that she is 100% capable of rationalizing a decision that will have such a profound impact on the rest of her life? Do you realicstically think it was right on her part to take away a mans child forever, and never even tell him? I don't believe that you would. At that age while yes, she may not have been able to raise it and goto school, it didn't matter, because she dropped out anyway, it was only a way of not dealing with a problem she created. It gives her an out, everytime.

    Same girl. Senior week 2004. All of us in Ocean City. I'm in the apartment with my girlfriend, it's 3 am, and her phone goes off. It is her friend who happens to be staying with Heather(the girl). She begs us to drive to her hotel and get her and let her stay with us tonight. Why? Because Heather came back to the room and is having unprotected sex with 4 guys, mind you she also has a boyfriend at home. Why would she do this? Because she knows that if she gets pregnant, big deal, she can just walk down to the clinic and get an abortion and do it all over again. Again, now she is only 18.

    Take a look at some of the children today. Anywhere really, but especially in a big area like where we live, so e_andree and flanfenix would be able to back me up, you walk down the street and you see a pregnant 13 year old, 13 years old. A damn 6th grader. Is she capable of raising a child? Hell no. Is she capable of making the decision not to? Hell no. Is she capabale of preventing her own actions? Hell yes. Is she cpabale of at least using a condom? Hell yes.
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    Arlington, VA/North Bergen, NJ
    A 13 yr old may not know it all. Not all schools get into sex talks that early with a kid for many different reasons. I remember getting taught about sex in elementary school BUT they never went into specifics about pregnancy and what not. It wasn't until high school that they did that. So a 13 yr old may not know what she's getting into. She can know what sex is but she might not know the consequences. Although I feel a 13 yr old shouldn't even be thinking about sex, let alone having it.

    Everytime I go back home to visit my family in NJ, I'll drive down the main avenue up there and there is nothing but little girls with kids. I'm not talking 13 yrs old but they're like 15+. I still don't understand why these little girls want kids at such a young age. And I bet only 2% of them every finish high school or even go onto college!
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    ob1murry New Member

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    First, I don't care if your 8 years old. You know that if you have sex, you can get pregnant. But you are saying the same thing I am in a way. Your 100% right, she doesn't understand the consequences completely, how could she understand the decision to have an abortion? I also agree 100% that they shouldn't even be thinking about it, let alone having sec. But they do, and they are. I personally think that at least part of that is because they know if they get pregnant, they can just bail themselves out. I mean don't get me wrong, an abortion is alot better than a coat hanger. I agree with gotarheels, in certain incidents, I think it would be ok. But the way it is now, it gets abused. People stop caring about the problems, because there is a quick fix at the end for them.
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    Paolino SolidTuned

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    RAF Molesworth, UK
    I don't really agree with abortion but I understand situations can come up. I don't always agree with a woman's right to choose either. I mean what if the man wants to keep it, that is completely shitty because the woman can abort the child and the man has NO say. Yes its her body, but it takes two to tango, know what I mean? Without his sperm, ain't no baby...Its not like the woman has the baby because the guys all got together and boycotted carrying them. We aren't equipped for it.

    It can just be a very hard time for the male, if he doesn't want one, the woman can have it anyway and he has to pay child support because its his repsponsibility blah blah(which can and has been taken advantage of), but if he wants one and she doesn't oh well, too friggin bad pal...

    As for whoever mentioned that the woman should have to notify the husband or whatever, I don't see what good that would do, as he still would have no say, only now, he knows about it...double shitty.
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    ob1murry New Member

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    I believe you are referring to me. I actually meant it the same way you said it. The man should have some say in it, for the same reasons you listed. Point is if she doesn't notify the husband, it's even worse, would you rather have her tell you, or find out from a friend later and never be able to trust your wife again? Just because he doesn;t have a say doesn't mean he shouldn't know.
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    Ninety Four New Member

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    If your wife doesn't tell you she's getting an abortion, that's your problem, not the government's or the clinic's. Those kinds of problems definitely should not be regulated by the law.
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    ob1murry New Member

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    This is the second time, where the hell did I say it should be the governments problem? If you can show where I said it, then please show me.

    The discussion was about a woman abusing the ability to have an abortion. The paragraph previous to the one I quoted, which said

    "It can just be a very hard time for the male, if he doesn't want one, the woman can have it anyway and he has to pay child support because its his repsponsibility blah blah(which can and has been taken advantage of), but if he wants one and she doesn't oh well, too friggin bad pal..."

    proves that. I consider a woman hiding it form her husband to be very abusive of the ability to do so. Again, in no way was what I said related to it being the governments problem.
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    Ninety Four New Member

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    In the scenario you're suggesting, somebody, whether it is the government or someone else, would have to make sure women have their partner sign a form saying the partner agrees to and/or is aware of the abortion, right?

    All I'm saying is that the specifics don't matter. In the end it's the woman who is going to have the endure the labor of the child's birth, so it should be her decision and her's alone as to whether she wants an abortion. If she so chooses to consult her partner, that should be on her. I sure as hell know I don't want somebody else to have to give their consent on anything related to my body.
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    ob1murry New Member

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    No, I'm suggesting that when a woman doesn't tell the man that she is taking away his child, that she is abusing the ability to have an abortion. It has nothing to do with government or clinics, or even being forced to tell the man. I'm just stating that I think it is a horrible thing on the woman's part.

    But the man may have to live with the pain of losing a child his entire life. The fact is that is the mans child. If I was married, my wife wouldn't be allowed to take my son and give him away, how is this any different?

    Are you saying that because my mom pushed me out, she should have more say in my life than my father? Because your saying that since a woman has to endure the birth, it should be her decision. Since my mom endured my birth, she should now have more influence and say into my life than my father? I would be their son, not just my mothers.

    And I sure as hell know that I don't want anyone to be able to decide if I should be able to have my child taken away from me. Your saying no one should be able to tell a woman what to do with her body, fine. But no one should be able to make a decision about another person's future either. The fact is that without the man, the "child" in question wouldn't even exist, how can he have no say? I'm not even saying that your wrong, I'm saying that if no one is going to able to tell a woman what to do with her life and her child, why should she be able to tell the man?

    Although they wouldn't be on the news, realistically, how many cases do you think there have been where a woman gets an abortion solely to get revenge on the father, for cheating on her, or breaking up with her, or just because she doesn't like him? Fact is even one is too many.
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    e_andree E

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    Arent democrats pro-life?:D
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    Paolino SolidTuned

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    RAF Molesworth, UK
    I see what you're saying now. I agree with you.
    And if it IS all a woman's desicion because its her body and she has to carry it etc, then why are males forced into child support? (I know it is needed, I'm trying to make a point here) I for one would like to think I would buck up and be a father, or if we didn't work out I would pay the child supoport but here's the plight:

    The man, who has given the seed to fertalize the egg, has NO SAY whatsoever whether the child should live or not, which I think is wrong. I think it should be taken up case by case. The 'mother' is not always in the right, nor is the 'father'. I think the situation just spins my head sometimes and I get frustrated when I think of all of the possiblilties and times when guys have been screwed by the system here...

    I think if EITHER of the partners want to keep the child, it should not be aloud to be aborted if conceived during consentual sex.. That way if the woman does not want a child, fine but let it be born and loved.

    What do you guys think? I dunno, just came to me I guess.. It could be lame when I read it later... :)
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    ob1murry New Member

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    Exactly. There is something I read that reminds me of this in a way. Police get a domestic disturbance call, they show up and the wife says they had a fight about the marijuana he is growing in the house. The police ask if they can search the house, Husband says no, wife says yes. Who do they listen to? It was a hot topic because when they began living together, each one gave up full control of the house, it belonged to both, so who has the say? I see it as being the same, when something belongs to two people, it is understood that neither has full control, if that makes sense.
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    well it should be the woman's choice but either way I'm against it because it's practically killing someone..... I couldn't live with that guilt in my mind.
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    I beleive abortion should be the womans choice as long as she tried to protect herself from getting pregs, But if she is just a total slut that likes to have unprotected sex and never takes her birth control then I think she is just an idiot and should have to live with the concequences. Damn I'm harsh :)
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    Ninety Four New Member

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    I don't know the Party's official stance, but I'm pro choice.
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    fineline cc fo life

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    Roxtar New Member

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    the right to choose has always existed. if you don't want to have a baby.... STOP FUCKING!
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    but how would the physician determine who can and who can't?

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