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News Building a house and working full time.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by statik, Oct 26, 2005.

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    statik New Member

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    Building a house and working full time.

    This is my venting thread. :) You can probably learn something from it, and give me some knowledge too.

    We're building a house together, Rachel and I. It's VERY stressfull, but our relationship is getting stronger through it all. Alot of people give up and fall apart during something like this. We're forging metal in fire right now. (if you know what I mean) Learning from eachother and working things out in an intensely stressfull situation. So thats all good. The other half of it is being stressed out and exhausted. Last week we went to bed at 2am every night and woke up at 7:30am to go to work for 9 hours then work out at the house. We have been deprived of sleep and resorted to drinking coffee and Rockstar. Rockstar tastes good to me, so I kind of like it. :) No more caffiene after this house it done.

    We contracted out our drywall labor. It's all hung and is being taped and mudded right now. I've been scrambling around trying to keep the place warm and insulating the roof. Kerosene has been costing us about $30 a day and it's still not warm enough in there! We're going broke. It's kind of embarassing to have your debit card decline while your in a line with food or coffee and have to tell them you'll be back with some money... I just have to remember that it's not going to be like this forever.

    Jeremy, the drywall finisher, told us that he needs better heat in there and for the roof to be completely insulated to make sure that the finishing turns out good. I've only the bonus room above the garage and the master bedroom and bathroom to insulate. The rest of the house is DONE! We're using cellulose blow in insulation. It's basically recycled newspaper dust. You emty the bag into a hopper and it gets pushed through a 3" hose and blown into your attic. It's fun in a kind of clausterphobic tourturing way. Being crammed into small attic areas and totally engulfed in dust almost to the point where you can't see. Yeah on the bag it says "Low dust". I'd hate to be using the other kind. ALMOST DONE! Can't wait.

    Today I'm going to try to fix the heat problem. Rachel's mom is hooking us up with some wood to burn in our woodstove and my boss has an extra hot air furnace that he will let us borrow. So tonight I'll try to finish the insulation, deliver the wood, and set up the temporary furnace. Then we'll be good!

    Maybe I'll have time to watch the movies we rented. Or time to sleep, clean my room, do laundry, wash dishes or spend some time with Rachel! Maybe even work on the angel eyes or finish sanding my hood scoop. ahhh...

    This has been a long arduous road to travel. It's been a little over a year since we started. I just want to sleep on the sofa and enjoy a glowing fire. Then take a soothing bath in our whirlpool tub while looking outside and the snow covered trees. But for now I have to fight the cold and exhaustion and keep telling myself that it's worth it.
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    turbo4age Love to Hate me

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    im jealous....
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    statik New Member

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    oh stop it. :p
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    by the end of it all, it will be worth it. good luck. :)

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