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News people who are in law enforcement *venting*

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by igorien2k, Oct 24, 2005.

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    LoSx New Member

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    so if i get pulled over for being in my modified car (doesnt happen in my other cars) and they walk around my car and then see nothing wrong and tell me to drive safely that isnt profiling?

    They pulled me over for no reason other than having a modified car I would think that is profiling since I had nothing wrong with the car....
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    Arlington, VA/North Bergen, NJ
    I see the word "profiling" as a racial thing. It reminds me when I was back in NJ. NJ State Troopers would pull over anyone who was a miniority. Especially for small things like my one friend who got pulled over for having an air freshener hanging off his rearview mirror. WTF?!

    No one really knew about the profiling until it came out to the public that they did have an issue with profiling a long time ago. After survey's, they found that the majority of hte people pulled over were hispanic or black. But they tried fixing that issue and from what I heard, it kind of worked.

    Now as far as being pulled over. I see it as cracking down on illegally modified cars. Rockville is a hot spot for that. When I would go to the gatherings at Starbucks on Friday nights, I would see the cops hanging out in the lot where everyone met. But as soon as someone acted a fool, they closed down the lot and when those guys hit the street, it was ticketing time. Same happened in Fairfax (another county thats cracking down on modified cars). When we had the Fairfax meets, the cops would always show up and pull all the modified cars over. One time a cop said that all the cars had to be "trailered" in cause they all had illegal modifications. She even warned White_Mike (who organized a few of the meets) that they would be outside waiting to pull people over. And sure enough thats how it worked. And it wasn't only imports that they pulled over, they pulled over domestics too.

    And I can't say they single out modified cars all the time cause i've gotten pulled over in my old corolla and I've had the intake and muffler on it with dark tints and they never busted my chops about it. they'd only bring to my attention what I was doing wrong. My girls brother got pulled over for his tints and he doesn't even own a modified car!

    Maybe some people are just not that lucky with the cops. *shrugs*
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    e_andree E

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    No, that isnt profiling. Theyre cracking down on modified cars and vehicle code violations. When they were pulling over all white box trucks during the sniper attacks, would you consider that profiling?
    I also feel that part of the problem is that the government is pushing to enforce vehicle codes on modified street cars, but the codes are in such a grey area, and THAT puts the officers in a tight spot, because it is so hard to narrow down the laws, especially since they are constantly changing. Yet they are pushed to enforce the codes.

    If they only pulled over modified IMPORTS, or just WOMEN in modified cars, THAT would be profiling.

    Like I said before, I know that profiling exists. Im not denying that fact.
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    i get kinda frustrated when i see people assumung that cops abuse their powers and all cops are bad.. just give it up people if your driving around with illegal mods to your car you will be pulled over evetually.. dont go and say I was profiled.. no you were not profiiled they are enforcing the law.. thats all
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    LoSx New Member

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    Ok well sorry english isnt my first language but I guess I just screwed up the definition of profiling....

    I just hate that I get pulled over for no reason is all... I know they are cracking down but I make sure everything is legal on my car... and cops that write down things that dont exist just to give you a hard time are asses....

    On the other hand like I have said I have met cool cops as well... I know it also has to do on how the officer is doing that day etc etc but it seems im always getting pulled over in my corolla but when I take out a stock car they pretty much leave me alone..... Maybe its just luck LoL
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    Prodigy3006 Rubber Man

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    i got pulled over tonight in my S! 2am, driving too close to another car was why he said he pulled me over. also, when pulling me over i didn't use a signal. thats because i was tired. really, though, it was a very useless pull over and warning citation. it really was unnecessary, and i feel, uncalled for, but it was defnitely due to being out this late at night in this car being this young. he did a very thorough cross check on whether or not the car was mine. ::Thumbs down on that experience::
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    e_andree E

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    Wow...a traffic cop pulling people over for traffic violations. Go figure!

    Its not because you were young...its because it was 2am, which is a prime time for drunk drivers, and the traffic violations were a possible gateway to a larger infraction.

    And they do a thorough check on every stop, so dont think your experience was any more thorough than normal.
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    LoSx New Member

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    The 2 am thing is really to pull you over for nearly no reason and get a smell of your breath... basically they use very very minor things to pull you over and see if you are drunk because they are cracking down REALLY hard on drunk drivers now which I dont mind at all... Ive been through a few check points and actually love the idea... it is annoying but hey at least it wasnt something like I think your tint is too dark at 2 am LoL
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    are people really ignorant about this.. people your not getting profiled.. tint is illegal so dont put it on.. mufflers to a degree are illegal dont put them on unless your sure its legal in ur area.. dont do things to your car that are illegal and you will not get in trouble.. and to some peoples amazement around here unmodded cars get pulled over also i know thats news to some people in here who only think that modded cars are targets..
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    I like the check points too to catch the drunks. A drunk driver killed my friend back in high school and it seems like everyone on planet earth knows someone killed by a drunk driver. I wish that when the cops caught a drunk driver they were charged with attempted murder. That would be awesome.
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    LoSx New Member

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    uhmm tint is not illegal... Especially after the state of maryland has inspected it twice LoL

    you just have to have above a certain percentage of light allowed to pass through that varies by state...
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    Dr Tweak Mad Scientist

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    That's what I've been doing wrong, I need to get rid of my MUFFLER! :)
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    Denver Rolla 98 impreza

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    exactly.. if tint were illegal then tint shops would not exist.. and if they did then they would be smalll garages that did it for cash only. I charged mine on my credit card at the shop that my old dealership used to do their tint. in the state of colorado 15% is the limit as far as I know. anything darker than that they can and will pull you over for..
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    I agree on the tint but just because a shop takes credit cards and is a legal business doesn't mean that what your doing with there service is not illegal. Case and point, you can go and get limo tint on your windows. The shop can do that and they are perfectly in the clear as long as you use your car only for show. it is not the shops responsibility to tell you what to do with there service. Its just like the bong and pipe shops in some of the crap areas of our cities. They obviously target pot smokers but just claim that they are for tabacco only. Again this makes them legal and puts the law into your hands. Hell I bet if you took your car down to a performance speed shop they would drop twin turbos in your car, NOS, Beer can the inside and put in a full roll case and racing tires all the way around and then take your money and watch you drive off. Are they in the wrong? No not really because they can just say that they are not responsible for what you do with the car and that they thought it was only for show. This is all pretty obvious I'm sure but I had a few minutes and felt like typing a paragraph :)
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    Denver Rolla 98 impreza

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    I agree with you there... but MOST DECENTLY GOOD shops will, if you put street slicks on your car, require you to trailer your car out of the shop... but if you buy them and mount them at home then obviously they cannot stop you...
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    e_andree E

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    95% of tint shops require that you sign a waiver form, acknowledging the fact that dark tint is illegal, and they are not responsible.
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    I don't think shops are liable though, at least in washington because my friend went and got Ground Effects Lamps under his car and the guy at the install shop gave him a car that said "Legal in all states" and when the cop pulled him over he actually showed the card to the cop and still got the ticket. Then he went to court to fight it and the judge said the card was not correct. The cops never did anything about the shop handing out the cards with the installs either. Pretty wierd.
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    e_andree E

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    no, it so the customer cant come back and blame the shop
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    ob1murry New Member

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    I'd take a guess and say your tint is illegal. In MD anything darker than 44% would be illegal, because 35% is the maximum tint allowed on a car.

    Most cars are manufactured with about an 80% "privacy tint". 35% is what I would assume you have. So with 20% of visible light being blocked out to begin with, and laying 35% tint over it, your only getting 35% of 80% of the light. 0.35 * .80 = .28, so with 35% tint, you actually have 28% or so tint. I have personally have never seen tint manufactured at between 35% and 50%, so youd have to have 50% tint for it to be legal. So maybe they aren't being as cruel as you claim because it seems like they are letting you get away with the same thing you feel they are pulling you over for.
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    e_andree E

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    That is very true. Dont think that by putting 35% paper on your car, that youre legal. Thats in addition to what the glass is already tinted.
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    jtweezy New Member

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    lol i have 0% tint on the explorer...lol....you cant see me give you the finger!!!!lol
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    Denver Rolla 98 impreza

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    Lakewood, CO
    sweet... black vinyl
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    Duvall, WA
    I can't for the life of me figure out why they have not brought LCD shutter technology to winshields. I mean wouldn't it be friggin cool if you could turn a knob and tint your windows. from like %5 to %100 :)
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    Denver Rolla 98 impreza

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    that would be one hell of a windshield to replace... I think even with my discount I could still only get that for 1000 bucks...
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    800 New Member

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    i agree. the cops are just doing they job, if you was speeding or breaking any kind of traffic law then you have a right to be stopped. so racial/profiling in that sense is bullshit in MOST cases.

    and to the author of this thread. you just got punked off man, you ate that shit.
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    LoSx New Member

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    Did you miss the part where I said the state of Maryland inspected it twice and declared it legal?
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    ob1murry New Member

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    Did you miss the part where that wwas the entire point? What tint is on your car. Because like I said, if it is anything darker than 44%, IT IS illegal, so by them letting you off, they are letting you get away with it. Why? Because giving you a repair order for it would be anal on their part, do they REALLY care if you have 28% tint rather than 35%, probably not. Giving you a repair order for it would make them exactly what you said, I believe it was douchebags. The point was that they are letting you go with the same thing you are claiming they are pulling you over for. e_andree obviously understood it, and I'm pretty sure everyone else did, why are you having a hard time with it? I just don't know if I'm not clearly saying what I mean.

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