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News Guns allowed on college campuses?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by e_andree, Apr 16, 2008.

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    e_andree E

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    Guns allowed on college campuses?

    So what do you think? Should students (adults) be allowed to carry firearms on college campuses?
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    DeebsTundra Big Tires :)

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    I love these topics you get for this forum.

    From my understanding, if you are over 21 you can get a carry and conceal permit for a hand gun. (Loose understanding)

    So wouldn't the legislation be more the other directions? A ban of fire-arms on college/university property?
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    GSE21tuner Formerly rollatuner110. Representing AZLexus.club

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    The answer is no even if you are over 21. Mentally disabled people come in all ages. Let's assume the majority of people are unstable and leave firearms to campus police and security who are truly authorized to carry.
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    Phan Well-Known Member

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    sure everyone should should be able to carry ak47 and gernades to school, our nation need to put guns in the hand of angry students and suggest them to carry it school or to the mall where childrens go.
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    that really depends on the state. some states are very lax, while others don't allow them at all (or claim to do so, like Maryland).
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    JLee TD05 3SGTE

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    If they have a carry permit, sure.
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    supermann423 word.

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    my friends roomate at California State University, Los Angeles has a 12-gauge shotgun sitting in there dorm....thats kinda fishy if you ask me
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    slowrolla New Member

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    Seriously, that is the stupidest question ever! If guns were allowed, I bet many students and teachers would get shot. Also if guns were allowed, I'd quit college because I could get shot at college. I'm pretty sure there are many students who would shoot who they hate.
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    Ares Active Member

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    Wow ~ this topic was also brought up on the other forums I post on. IMHO, yes with a sh!tload of prerequisites like Gun school, license, etc.
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    slowrolla New Member

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    Are they seriously going to legalize it now?
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    GSE21tuner Formerly rollatuner110. Representing AZLexus.club

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    There should be no guns allowed on campus unless it's by the authorities. So instead of girls having mace on their keychain, it's now a Glock G18C? Jesus Christ.
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    JLee TD05 3SGTE

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    You could also get hit and killed while crossing the street. Better stay inside...in the basement, too..just in case a truck runs into your house.
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    DeebsTundra Big Tires :)

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    To break out an old proverb, there are no stupid questions. Only stupid answers.
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    GSE21tuner Formerly rollatuner110. Representing AZLexus.club

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    Stupidest isn't a word. :D You mean most stupid.
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    :laughcry: living in fear of guns is pretty damned silly.
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    e_andree E

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    Its not a stupid question, and its a question that is prominant in the news right now.

    If there had been ONE student that was allowed to carry at VT, 30 people may be alive today.

    And if guns were allowed on campus, you would quit college? Youre in college?

    What state do you live in? Are you going to just quit leaving your house because you may get shot?

    You also say that if guns were allowed on campus, a lot of students and teachers would get shot....please explain this to me. Are you saying that since guns arent allowed on majority of campuses now, that the criminals are saying "well, guns arent allowed on campus, so I wont go on that shooting spree. "

    Really..you crack me up. Unless you can bring something to the table, stick to asking questions about your car.

    e_andree added 2 Minutes and 11 Seconds later...

    Why make the assumption that majority people are unstable? We're talking about college students.... The public has the right to bear arms....thats not what this argument is about, and that is an entire different argument.

    This is about specifically on college campuses.

    e_andree added 3 Minutes and 22 Seconds later...

    Are you going to add anything to the debate, or are you going to be sarcastic and condescening instead?

    e_andree added 8 Minutes and 12 Seconds later...

    Most states already have the right to bear arms.....but most college campuses prohibit their students to carry firearms. Some do though, and at one of those schools, a student carrying a gun shot a man that came onto campus ready to kill people.

    The bottom line is that in many states, you have the right to bear arms and apply for a CCW at the age of 18. When you are a legal adult. So why do you have to lose those rights when you cross into a college campus? Youre allowed to have them out in the real world, on the street, in the grocery store, but not on a college campus? It doesnt make sense. You can talk about unstable people all you want, but its the real world, and there are unstable people EVERYWHERE. You wont run into a higher risk at college campuses.

    Should teachers be allowed to carry weapons?
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    absofuckinglutely. i've thought this for a long time...ever since the Columbine shooting, really.

    is this where i can put in my 2 cents about Maryland and how much it sucks regarding CCW? :D

    to the naysayers...consider the old argument that disarming the population creates victims/take away the guns and the only people left who will have them are criminals.
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    ShallowPockets New Member

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    Here's how it is in Tennessee:

    First, you must be 21 and LEGALLY able to own a firearm. That means no mental defect, criminal record, no restraining orders, DV issues, etc. Then, you must complete an 8 hour class on firearms law and usage with a range session that is SCORED. If you cannot pass the shooting test or written test, no HCP for you. Afterward(if you pass), you must present a certified copy of your birth certificate and $115 bucks to the highway patrol for the opportunity to APPLY for the permit. You must also submit your fingerprints to the state for TBI and FBI investigation. They'll investigate your ass for 90 days and if they don't find reason to deny you, you get your HCP. If they do, they'll send you a letter telling you why you didn't get yours. Only when the HCP is in your hands can you carry a firearm legally. So, that blows the argument that "anyone" could go wild west at university if the laws are changed. (little tidbit, thus far, there have been no gun crimes committed by the some 50k HCP holders in the state....no murders, no robberies, nothing. I cannot say the same for non HCP holders and even LEO)

    Now, having said that, I'm pissed that college is the only other place besides a liquor store or restaurant that serves alcohol that I cannot carry my gun. Especially since crime runs freakin' rampant here. Long before Va. Tech, we had a college about 80 miles north that was literally taken hostage. I think the guy was up there for a day or two with the students, many working adults, that he walked in on during a night class. No one was hurt thankfully, but the could have shot every single one of the people in that class and NO ONE could have done a goddamn thing about it.

    And on the topic of only LEOs should have guns: Recently, we had an off-duty sheriff's deputy shoot and kill a man in a BAR(where it's illegal to carry a gun unless an on-duty officer) who was "bouncing" the fight between the deputy and patron out the door. I can guarantee you that there was at least one civilian HCP holder in that bar...who wasn't armed as they obeyed the law. Yet, an LEO who was hired to uphold the law ended up breaking it and taking an innocent life in the process.

    I've jumped through more hoops than most people realize(and most citizens are willing to) to be able to carry this gun. So have some 25,000 of my fellow county residents. Yet, we are often treated like criminals or even worse by those to ignorant in their own belief that somehow we'll be more dangerous than a gun wielding thug, who is lawless in his own action. I think the beautiful thing about carrying is, you do not have to intervene if you don't feel the need....and sometimes I think I might not unless it involves the my safety or that of a family member.
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    cgreen38 Common sense, p

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    I'm for concealed carry on college campuses. If you go through the trouble and time to get a license for it, I think you should be allowed to carry it with you. Besides, if someone runs into my class with a shotgun and someone in the class has a weapon on them, I don't feel so defenseless. :eek:
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    slowrolla New Member

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    So what if every student had guns. One student starts pointing at you, what would you do? Point your gun right back at them right? Or you can just get shot. If that happens, the student who shoots you will be on a shooting spree because he or she knows that he or she is going to jail.

    So your saying that if one of the 30 student at VT had a gun could've shot the shooter and prevented all of this to happen? I bet none of them had to guts to do it. Would you do it? I know I'll be the one running away because I'm not risking my life. You can go ahead and be the super hero who shot the shooter.

    There are many people out there who has the guts to do anything and they'll do it. If you think you know everybody in this whole world then you're wrong. I bet you that if guns were allowed on most campuses, more shooting events will happen. Just you watch and see.
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    Phan Well-Known Member

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    if guns where allowed on campus wouldn't it be much easier for the unstable students to get a hold of and kill more people? i'm not trying to

    be diplomatic or intellectual but we are living the 21 century where crimes have dramatically increased and every hood has their own click.

    Havn't you seen the 8 teenager (3 of the girl were 17-18 years old) that beat up that 16 year old girls cause she talked smack. can you

    image if they were to carry gun? luckily they had a camcorder on but thats proven to be lethal hasn't it? so yeah we shouldn't allow anyone

    to carry guns at all because to me, humanity is fucken stupid we are slowly killing ourself and our planet.
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    slowrolla New Member

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    It is in my world.:D

    slowrolla added 2 Minutes and 9 Seconds later...

    Exactly what I'm talking about. I don't understand why the world doesn't see this.

    slowrolla added 2 Minutes and 44 Seconds later...

    What would you do if a student points a gun at you?
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    JLee TD05 3SGTE

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    Explain to me how it would be easier for someone to get a gun when concealed carry is not prohibited. The whole point of CC is to not be seen...nobody knows you're carrying. Maybe it's just me, but I have my doubts about people refraining from committing a mass murder just because it's illegal for them to bring a gun to school. Last time I checked, murdering people was just a little worse than that...but that doesn't seem to stop them, does it?

    You're not kidding..apparently you live it, too. :D

    Don't bet too much. People were saying that about Florida, when they enacted a right-to-carry law.

    Ever hear of rampant shootings in Vermont? New Hampshire? Maine? Alaska? Arizona? No? Did you know, that in every one of those states (and probably more - that's all I thought of offhand), it is legal to openly carry a handgun with no permit? Hmm.
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    ahh, i love hearing arguments from the Brady Bunch. y'all are so blinded by what you think happens that trying to talk reason won't work.

    if someone points a gun at me, i have no choice but to be a victim. my state thinks we don't need to protect ourselves...but you know what? two years ago, i DID have a gun pointed at me, and i couldn't protect myself. all i could think was "hofuck i hope this kid doesn't shoot me" - the CHILD was no more than 10, pointing a gun in my face in broad daylight. i can't say what i know i would do if i had a weapon on my person at the time, since i didn't...i had only myself, and my wits, to contend with the kid. he decided it was better to run off than pull the trigger (and he has since been pulled out of his school, and i believe he's in a juvenile detention center for other problems he's had...at least, that's what his principal told me).
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    JLee TD05 3SGTE

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    I could tell you what I'd likely do if someone was pointing a gun at someone else, though...which, if there are more than two people there, is a higher probability than that of them pointing it at me. ;)
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    well yes, if the gun's pointed away from me i'd be better able to react.
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    JLee TD05 3SGTE

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    Yep..in your situation, I don't imagine there's much you could've done except be very lucky..
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    cgreen38 Common sense, p

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    Even guns not being allowed hasn't stopped incidents like the VT shootings last year. The laws only affect those who choose to follow them.
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    yes, the "if you take away guns, only criminals will have guns" argument...the very one that the Brady Bunch seems to ignore.
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    e_andree E

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    Its illogical to think that everyone would have a gun. Your point is no point, and a far fetched one at that.

    Exactly what Im saying. Virginia has an open carry law.....it is not unlikely that a bunch of students involved in those classrooms had licenses to carry, they just werent at that time since it was against college campus rules. It could have all been prevented if one student was carrying down at the dorms where it started.

    Yes. How old are you, and what state do you live in?

    And that is your perogorative.

    Did I say I knew everyone in this world? Again, not sure what your point is.

    You still havent shown why you think that if guns were allowed on campuses, that more shootings would occur.

    e_andree added 2 Minutes and 27 Seconds later...

    Explain to me how it would be easier for people to get guns. The process to obtain/buy a firearm would not change.

    Totally totally irrelevant here....those were high school students, and anyways, it has NOTHING to do with this debate. Theyre not even old enough to own a gun, and they werent on a college campuse, etc etc etc If anyone of them HAD a gun, it would have been illegally.

    Then youre against being able to own guns all together, not just on campus. Though you and slowrolla have very illogical replies.....do you not realize what the question is? Its nice to have an educated debate about things, but really, dont participate if you cant add anything educated.

    Allowing weapons on college campuses in no way makes it easier for the public to obtain those weapons.

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