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News Beaten for speaking Spanish?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DaCubanSkillz, Sep 24, 2007.

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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    Beaten for speaking Spanish?


    Girl speaks spanish on a bus and is attacked. Now the question remains..did the girl get attacked cause she spoke spanish? The girl and her mother can say all she wants but until they speak to the other person, they won't know the real reason.

    I work with all types of people and they all speak their language whenever they're within their group of friends. It doesn't really bother me at all since I know its easier for them to speak their language. Some say that its inconsiderate of them to do that since this is America.

    But I can understand how some people feel weird about it cause you never know if they were talking about a person. A friend of mine was at a salon one time and the nail techs were all speaking their language. happened to be that my friend also spoke that language. She said when one girl walked in, they started talking smack about the chic. Its just stories like this that get people parinoid.

    And in that article they mention how some kid got suspended for speaking spanish in class. wtf was that about? Throughout my years in high school, kids spoke all types of languages and it was okay. Since when is it against school policy to speak a different language and get suspended for it?

    So what do you think? Should we only speak English everywhere we go no matter where we're at? Or do you feel its okay to speak a different language with friends and family when in public?
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    corollagtswife New XRS Owner :

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    Alright, I can be completely ignorant and say yes to your question about speaking only English because we're in America. As much as I hate hearing Spanish, Mexican Spanish, not Spain Spanish (there is a difference), Mexican Spanish to me just sounds so terrible, too fast, it makes my head hurt. Anyway, here in Vegas there is a China Town, so when you go there, it's mostly Asians and they speak whatever it is that they speak, and I suppose while you're in your comfort zone with your co-workers or friends, it should be alright. However, when you're trying to talk with someone who doesn't speak your language and you're in America, I think you should know basic English. Where I work at they offer 2 English classes, the basics and intermediate workplace English ... I don't know how many people take it or what not because there are around 8,000 employees all of which seem to speak Spanish. ( I know that is crazy but whatever) So what I am saying is that I guess if you're in your groups, talk all you want in your native language, but make a fucking effort to talk English when people who speak English are around and don't make them uncomfortable and irritated. :) Common courtesy people ... it seems to have disappeared.
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    RinconRolla98 Well-Known Member

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    Welcome to America !!!!!! If you want our food stamps and welfare you need to speak the language ........
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    GSE21tuner Formerly rollatuner110. Representing AZLexus.club

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    It is disrespectful when other languages are being spoken in public around people who don't know other languages. I get that same feeling that I'm being scrutinized and talked about. However, if it's in a comfortable area where others also speak the same language then it's not offensive to any others since they should be aware that different languages will be spoken. The suspension for speaking Spanish and the beating are just going too far. Even if others are talking shit about some one in a different language doesn't give you the right to beat or discriminate against them. When English speaking Americans go travel the world, do denizens of that country trounce the tourists and beat the shit out of them or throw them in jail for speaking English?(Exceptions include some hostile countries such as Iraq. I'm talking about UN nations.) It's exactly the same thing. Confront them by all means and tell them you feel uncomfortable or ask them if they are speaking about you. Discrimination should never be used to rationalize actions.
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    unladylike00 New Member

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    Nail places .. lol funny how that was brought up.. I used to not really care, because I figured if they weren't brave enough to say it in a language I could understand, then obviously it wasn't worth me worrying about. I speak Spanish, and so does my family, and many of my friends.. but I do believe it is rude if someone knows how to speak English, and they just don't because they don't want to or because they want to talk shit about somebody. It is inconsiderate, and if you know English... why do you need to be speaking another language in front of other people? It is rude, but nobody here cares about anybody else, because we are so self-centered. =). I think that everyone does need to learn English, it is the only thing that really unites us in a way... but there goes another subject ... people are never gonna learn English, if everything is supplied to them in their languages, more specifically Spanish. So everyone who complains needs to look at it like that... tell your business to stop putting everything in Spanish!! What is the incentive?? You think people would just want to ... but unfortunately that is not the case. When it comes down to it, everyone prints everything in Spanish, hires bilingual people, because it brings in more MONEY! And we all know thats what most people care about. sad sad world. :cool:

    I have a bunch more to say .. but it would take pages lol.. so thats basically it, kind of summed up.

    btw.. everyone who is feeling insecure about people talking about you.. who cares!! like I said.. if they aren't brave enough to tell you so that you can understand, why even give it a second thought?
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    turbo4age Love to Hate me

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    im really sure the kid got suspended for simply speaking spanish in class... lets be real here. i bet the little retard was being belligerent to the teacher and disrupting the class, all while speaking spanish. and same with the girl on the bus, who wants to bet she wouldnt quit talking shit to the other person... IN SPANISH. the kid was probably being a douche canoe, and the girl was probably running her mouth, and they both got what they deserved. instead of just reaping what they sew... its easier to pull the race card.
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    GSE21tuner Formerly rollatuner110. Representing AZLexus.club

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    It definitely COULD be that. The race card is played all the time and it's frustrating.
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    turbo4age Love to Hate me

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    it COULD be... true.

    but come on now, lets be real here.
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    SaberJ2X Lurk MOAR

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    I talked in spanish everywhere in NJ NY and I wasn't attack...but I wasn't being obnoxious....

    and it isn't unrespectful for us to hear americans when they come to PR...

    I think it's all BS...

    ding ding
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    turbo4age Love to Hate me

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    "come to" as in visit?

    or "come to" as in live and work while simultaniously refusing to learn/speak the local language?
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    GSE21tuner Formerly rollatuner110. Representing AZLexus.club

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    Yes, they refuse to learn the local language, but the way things are going with every one and their business "habla espanol" and offering spanish speaking alternatives sure isn't helping. The American people are contributing to the frustration. If everyone were to conduct business and speak nothing but English, the migrant workers would be forced to learn the language. There is government help given to help them learn the language. However, this only applies to those who have entered the country legally. The majority of them are illegal. Then they have kids and argue that they have to right to stay and take care of their children as well. BS. GTFO! I say that if they enter illegally and have children, the children should be illegal as well. The legislature should to changed. There are too many loopholes. It's ridiculous. What happens to those who wait patiently and enter legally to become citizens? Isn't that unfair? They enter illegally, demand rights, and leech our hard worked tax money for welfare and health benefits. They have no rights. All this deportation is also just wasting more tax payers money. The punishment for hopping the border illegally should be death. Shot on site.

    Sorry about that tangent. I just had to get that out.
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    Why do people walk around thinking others are talking about them? Why the insecurity? So would people rather they speak english and whisper in another persons ear? That wouldn't make things any different. Its the same if they were speaking a different language cause you still don't know what you're talking about. And that doesn't always mean they're speaking of you or anything.

    If that was me, I could care less if they were talking about me. Who cares?! That'll just show you how ignorant a person can be if they have to resort to speaking another language in order to talk shit about you. whatever happened to saying whats on your mind out loud to a person? owell..I still don't see anything wrong with it if its on your own personal time and with friends and family or within your own group. If you need to know what is said, then a person will let you know. But when it comes to speaking to others about business and what not, then yes, they should use basic english at the least.

    A very good possiblity. But if that was the case with the kid who got suspended, then why did the school later overturn the suspension? If the kid was misbehaving then they would of stuck with the suspension. Thats the only thing that doesn't make sense.

    But for the girl? who knows, unless the attacker doesn't speak about what happened then we won't know what really did go down.
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    unladylike00 New Member

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    I am not too familiar with the immigration laws.. so someone correct me if i'm wrong. It makes sense that someone born on US soil is considered an American citizen, so to make them illegal just because their parents are is kind of dumb. Now, I think that even though the child is a citizen they are not aloud to claim their parents until the age of 18... it's not like they just give birth and the parents are automatically citizens.. it doesn't work like that. So they can think whatever they want, but that's not what happens.
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    The kid gets to stay but the parent is deported anyways. read the article. If a person is born here, they have the right to be a US Citizen but of course if the parents are illegal and get caught, they get deported, minus the child unless they take the child with them cause they have no choice.
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    turbo4age Love to Hate me

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    ... [IMG] ...
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    GSE21tuner Formerly rollatuner110. Representing AZLexus.club

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    corollagtswife New XRS Owner :

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    I must say this made me chuckle...as your laying next to me sleeping...your drooling a little too :)
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    lol @ the card. and lol @ the drooling.
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    corollagtswife New XRS Owner :

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    Okay he wasn't really drooling, more like a puddle of spit was gathering in his mouth as it was all smooshed up against his hand....does that make sense? :)

    Babe...am I embarrassing you? If I am, aren't you a moderator? You can BAN me!!! Do it!!! :)

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