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News What if.....

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by e_andree, Jan 18, 2007.

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    e_andree E

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    What if.....

    What if one of your kids told you he/she were gay? Would you support them? Would you try to get them to change?

    Would your views/actions be different depending on whether or not it was a male or female telling you that?

    Ill support them 100% no matter what.
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    Littleton, CO.
    I'd support them, they're my kids and I'll try to understand them the best that I can. The idea would never cross my mind but well things could always be unexpected in life so yea.
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    i'd support them. it's stupid to shun a child for something like sexual orientation.
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    vortex Well-Known Member

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    i wouldn't turn my own child away for anything... regardless of if i disapprove or approve any action taken by them. to place a condition on your love for your child is a sign of parent who doesnt understand what it truly means to be a parent.
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    DaCubanSkillz Active Member

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    My wife and I had this conversation once or twice...actually a few times. I'd be upset at first but what can I do. I'd support them.

    My cousin who is in high school came out of the closet last year. his mom and dad (who are divorced) were mad as hell. But my aunt got over it. However, my cousin's "father" is an asshole. He told him (and the school couselor) that there are no fags in his family and he will not accept this. he even went as far as saying that he wants nothing to do with my cousin until he changes. This tore my cousin up and he lost it. They put him in a hospital to evaluate him and everything. But when they saw he was not crazy, they sent him home. his father only spoke to him while he was in the hospital to see if he was okay. Still til this day, my cousin has not heard from his father. his attempts to communicate with his father were so unsuccessful last year, that he gave up.

    This is the type of shit a kid can go through should a parent reject them. I can't put my kid(s) through stress like this. A parent should be understanding about things and support their kids. My views about this have changed over the years (for the better). And after what happened to my cousin, that pretty much changed my mind about everything and how I need to support my kids through anything.
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    e_andree E

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    I brought this up cuz I bought my wife the 1st season of Desperate Housewives on DVD, cuz we never watched it. We're almost done with the 1st season, and this subject was part of that season. It got my wife and I talking about it.
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    Mayur Biggest trd whore in the whole wide world

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    Exactly. A parent would get really really upset at first but eventually will have to get used to it. Its kinda the same with interracial marraige in the Indian community. A couple of my cousins married people outside their race. My uncle was very upset and never spoke to my cousin for over 3 years but after he understood that no matter what he did, nothing was going to change and that he was a fool for getting mad.
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    Like for a parent will always be shocking of things like this but however you have to be accepting anyway or another because it's how your child chooses to be and as you help her/him understand and feel supported she/he'll understand things related to that as the years go by.
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    Your kids are your kids. Doesn't matter if they are straight, gay or a fucking axe murder. You gotta love them, however you might not support them so much on the axe murdering :) But as far as being gay, sure why not.
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    turbo4age Love to Hate me

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    when i have kids if its a boy ill tell him that i dont want to have to be washing little poop stains off the sheets, otherwise live your life boy! if its my girl ill wait til shes 18 and ask her to take some pictures of her legal friends!! hahaha just kidding.

    id support them. sexual orientation is something that cant be helped and im fine with that. just respect yourself and all those around you and things should be fine.

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